
%0 Conference Proceedings
%4 cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/
%2 cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/
%T O sistema de assimilacao de dados atmosfericos global do CPTEC/INPE
%D 2002
%A Herdies, Dirceu Luis,
%A Ferreira, Sergio Henrique Soares,
%A Bonatti, Jose Paulo,
%A Cintra, Rosângela,
%A Silva, Arlindo da,
%@affiliation Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos Climaticos - CPTEC/INPE
%@affiliation NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Mesoscale Processes Branch, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA,
%B Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12.
%C Foz de Iguaçu (PR)
%8 4-9 ago.
%P 4028-4034
%S Proceedings
%K meteorologia.
%X At the Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC), a new analysis system is being tested for possible use as the operational global data assimilation system. This analysis system is called Physical-space Statistical Analysis System (PSAS) and was developed at Data Assimilation Office at National Aeronautics Space Administration (DAO/NASA). Preliminary results have been encouraging with favorable features include analysis increments the same order of the operational system and some improvement of 2 day forecasts.
%9 PRE
%@language pt
%3 Herdies_O Sistema de assimilacao de dados.pdf
%O Br.
