size 21.5 12.0 set cap round set arrowsize 0.3 lineWidth = 0.06 xFigureCentre = 9 yFigureCentre = 6 begin object rectangle width height lwidth nobox ! Draw a rectangle ! width, height: the width and height of the rectangle default width 2.0 default height 1.6 default lwidth 0.04 default nobox 1 set lwidth lwidth if nobox = 0 then set fill white box width height round round end object begin texpreamble \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} end texpreamble !g function xgCentre = xFigureCentre-4.6 ygCentre = yFigureCentre+2.6 amove xgCentre ygCentre draw name g amove xgCentre ygCentre+0.6+height(g)/2 save gFunctionNameInput set lwidth lineWidth join <- gFunctionNameInput amove xgCentre-1.7-width(g)/2 ygCentre save gFunctionInput set lwidth lineWidth join gFunctionInput -> !amove xgCentre+0.6+width(g)/2 ygCentre !save gFunctionOutput !set lwidth lineWidth !join g.rc - gFunctionOutput amove xgCentre+0.8+width(g)/2 ygCentre+0.4 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$g(i)$" amove ptx(gFunctionNameInput)+0.47 pty(gFunctionNameInput)-0.1 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$g: I \rightarrow S$" amove xgCentre ygCentre-0.3-height(g)/2 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "distribuidor" rmove 0 -0.4 tex "espacial" !g function - end !e function xeCentre = xgCentre+4.4 yeCentre = ygCentre amove xeCentre yeCentre draw name e amove xeCentre yeCentre+0.6+height(e)/2 save eFunctionNameInput set lwidth lineWidth join <- eFunctionNameInput !amove xeCentre-1.2-width(e)/2 yeCentre !save eFunctionInput !set lwidth lineWidth !join - eFunctionInput !amove xeCentre+0.6+width(e)/2 yeCentre !save eFunctionOutput !set lwidth lineWidth !join e.rc - eFunctionOutput amove ptx(eFunctionNameInput)+0.62 pty(eFunctionNameInput)-0.1 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$e: S \rightarrow C^2$" amove xeCentre yeCentre-0.3-height(e)/2 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "instalador" !e function - end set lwidth lineWidth join g.rc -> !a function xaCentre = xeCentre+3.4 yaCentre = ygCentre amove xaCentre yaCentre draw name a amove xaCentre yaCentre+0.6+height(a)/2 save aFunctionNameInput set lwidth lineWidth join <- aFunctionNameInput !amove xaCentre-1.2-width(a)/2 yaCentre !save aFunctionInput !set lwidth lineWidth !join - aFunctionInput amove xaCentre+1.8+width(a)/2 yaCentre save aFunctionOutput set lwidth lineWidth join a.rc - aFunctionOutput rmove 0.9 0.4 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$f(g(i))$ (prefixo)" amove ptx(aFunctionNameInput)+0.7 pty(aFunctionNameInput)-0.1 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$a: C^2 \rightarrow R_1$" amove xaCentre yaCentre-0.3-height(a)/2 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "gerador de" rmove 0 -0.4 tex "r\'otulo" amove xaCentre yaCentre set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "Alg. 1/5" !a function - end set lwidth lineWidth join e.rc -> ! f xfCentre = (ptx(eFunctionNameInput)+ptx(aFunctionNameInput))/2 width = ptx(aFunctionNameInput)-ptx(eFunctionNameInput)+2.0+2.0 height = 1.6+2.2 amove xfCentre yeCentre draw width height name f amove xfCentre yeCentre+0.6+height(f)/2 save fFunctionNameInput set lwidth lineWidth rline 0 0 ! round end line set cap butt join <- fFunctionNameInput set cap round amove ptx(fFunctionNameInput)+0.58 pty(fFunctionNameInput)-0.1 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$f: S \rightarrow R_1$" amove xfCentre yeCentre-0.3-height(f)/2 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "sistema de identifica\c{c}\~ao" rmove 0 -0.4 tex "dos subsistemas" ! f - end begin name giHorizontalLine set lwidth lineWidth join g.rc - end name !t function xtCentre = xFigureCentre-4.6 ytCentre = yFigureCentre-2.6 amove xtCentre ytCentre draw name t amove xtCentre ytCentre+0.6+height(t)/2 save tFunctionNameInput set lwidth lineWidth join <- tFunctionNameInput amove xtCentre-1.7-width(t)/2 ytCentre save tFunctionInput set lwidth lineWidth join tFunctionInput -> !amove xtCentre+0.6+width(t)/2 ytCentre !save tFunctionOutput !set lwidth lineWidth !join t.rc - tFunctionOutput !amove xtCentre+0.8+width(t)/2 ytCentre+0.4 !set hei 0.4 !set just cc !tex "$t(i)$" amove ptx(tFunctionNameInput)+1.14 pty(tFunctionNameInput)-0.1 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$t: g^*(g(i)) \rightarrow T_r$" amove xtCentre ytCentre-0.3-height(t)/2 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "distribuidor" rmove 0 -0.4 tex "temporal" !t function - end !b function xbCentre = xtCentre+3.4 ybCentre = ytCentre amove xbCentre ytCentre draw name b amove xbCentre ybCentre+0.6+height(b)/2 save bFunctionNameInput set lwidth lineWidth join <- bFunctionNameInput !amove xbCentre-1.2-width(b)/2 ybCentre !save bFunctionInput !set lwidth lineWidth !join - bFunctionInput amove ptx(aFunctionOutput) ybCentre save bFunctionOutput set lwidth lineWidth join b.rc - bFunctionOutput rmove -3.6 0.4 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$g(i)(i)$ (sufixo)" amove ptx(bFunctionNameInput)+0.68 pty(bFunctionNameInput)-0.1 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$b: T_r \rightarrow R_2$" amove xbCentre ybCentre-0.3-height(b)/2 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "gerador de" rmove 0 -0.4 tex "r\'otulo" amove xbCentre ybCentre set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "Alg. 2/6" !b function - end set lwidth lineWidth join t.rc -> ! g(i) xgiCentre = (ptx(tFunctionNameInput)+ptx(bFunctionNameInput))/2 width = ptx(bFunctionNameInput)-ptx(tFunctionNameInput)+2.0+2.0 height = 1.6+2.2 amove xgiCentre ytCentre draw width height name gi set lwidth lineWidth set cap butt join <- giHorizontalLine.v set cap round amove xgiCentre+0.92 ytCentre+0.4+height(gi)/2 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$g(i): g^*(g(i)) \rightarrow R_2$" amove xgiCentre ytCentre-0.3-height(gi)/2 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "subsistema de identifica\c{c}\~ao" rmove 0 -0.4 tex "repons\'avel pela identifica\c{c}\~ao de $i$" ! input i begin name iVerticalLine set lwidth lineWidth join gFunctionInput - tFunctionInput end name amove ptx(gFunctionInput)-1.0 yFigureCentre save input join input - tFunctionInput.h amove ptx(input)+0.4 pty(input)+0.4 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$i$" ! Cartesian product circle xCartesianProduct = xFigureCentre+6.8 begin name product amove xCartesianProduct yFigureCentre set lwidth 0.04 circle 0.4 end name rmove 1.4 0 save productOutput set lwidth lineWidth !rline 0 0 ! round end line rmove -0.6 0.4 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$h(i)$" rmove 1.4 -2.8 tex "$h(i) = (f(g(i)), g(i)(i))$" set lwidth lineWidth join aFunctionOutput -> product.c join bFunctionOutput -> product.c !set cap butt !join product.c - productOutput !set cap round ! Cartesian product circle - end !c function xcCentre = xCartesianProduct+2.2 ycCentre = yFigureCentre amove xcCentre ycCentre draw name c amove xcCentre ycCentre+0.6+height(c)/2 save cFunctionNameInput set lwidth lineWidth join <- cFunctionNameInput !amove xaCentre-1.2-width(a)/2 yaCentre !save aFunctionInput !set lwidth lineWidth !join - aFunctionInput amove xcCentre+1.0+width(c)/2 ycCentre save cFunctionOutput set lwidth lineWidth join c.rc - cFunctionOutput rmove -0.3 0.4 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$c(h(i))$" rmove -0.1 -0.8 tex "$s(i)$" amove ptx(cFunctionNameInput)+1.14 pty(cFunctionNameInput)-0.1 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$c: R_1 \times R_2 \rightarrow R$" amove xcCentre ycCentre-0.3-height(c)/2 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "gerador de" rmove 0 -0.4 tex "r\'otulo" amove xcCentre ycCentre set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "Alg. 3/7" !c function - end set lwidth lineWidth join product.c -> amove xCartesianProduct yFigureCentre set lwidth 0.04 set fill white circle 0.4 set hei 0.4 set just cc tex "$\times$" amove xgCentre ygCentre draw nobox 0 amove xeCentre yeCentre draw nobox 0 amove xaCentre yaCentre draw nobox 0 amove xtCentre ytCentre draw nobox 0 amove xbCentre ybCentre draw nobox 0 amove xcCentre ycCentre draw nobox 0