# Gerald Banon, 2002 - 2014 # displayControl.tcl # INPE submission forms # The tcl variables and arrays below are used to control # the submit permission and the appearance of the Submit and Update forms # This file may be placed in the directories as defined in sourceDisplayControl # (see col/dpi.inpe.br/banon/1998/ set referenceTypeList { {Journal Article} {Book} {Book Section} {Edited Book} {Magazine Article} {Newspaper} {Newspaper Article} {Conference Proceedings} {Conference Abstract} {Thesis} {Personal Communication} {Computer Program} {Report} {Map} {Image} {Data} {Audiovisual Material} {Film or Broadcast} {Unpublished} {Misc} {Artwork} {Patent} {Electronic Source} {Resume} {Archival Unit} } # banon-pc3 # mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br # == Variables which are common for all reference types # >> About secondarySearchExpression # secondarySearchExpression == query2 (see CreateMirror) # optional # used to create virtual Arquive # Examples: # set secondarySearchExpression {group DPI} ;# restrict the search to the group DPI # set secondarySearchExpression {} ;# no restriction (default) # >> About languagePreference # optional # Any change requires reloading the corresponding bibliografic mirror. # If languagePreference doesn't exist then the preference follows # the browser language preference # Examples: # set languagePreference en ;# English # set languagePreference pt-BR ;# Portuguese/Brazil set languagePreference pt-BR # >> About restrictedSubmission # if restrictedSubmission is 1 then the second password field is hidden # and no self authentication/resgistration can be done. # The authentication/registration must be done by the administrator. # if restrictedSubmission is 0 then the second password field is displayed # and self authentication/resgistration can be done just by repeating his password # in this second field. # For a given reference type, restrictedSubmission is effective # if and only if the corresponding User Name field is set to be # displayed # 0 means that the registration can be done by anyone # At installation, in order to register the administrator, restrictedSubmission # must be set to 0. # set restrictedSubmission 1 set restrictedSubmission 0 ## >> About headerBgColor, headerFont, cellBgColor and cellFont # >> About headerBgColor, headerFont, and cellBgColor # define attributes for the Metadata Table in Submit # and the Field Name List in Field set headerBgColor #DCDCDC ;# Migration 28/06/2005 set headerFont {} ;# Migration 28/06/2005 set cellBgColor #BCBCBC set cellBgColor #D6D6D6 # set cellFont {} # >> About returnAddress # returnAddress is optional # it is used by mirror.tcl when Submit or Update are forbidden # set returnAddress {../About} # >> About permissionList # no or an empty permissionList means to deny all sites # except the proper site # the permissionList value is a list of allowed ip regular expression # Examples: # All Sites means allow all sites # means allow # means allow and # ^150.163 means allow all ips beginning with 150.163 # set permissionList {^150.163.34 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^} # set permissionList {^150.163 ^200.132.24} set permissionList {{All Sites}} # >> About ps2pdfConverterPathList # used for ePrint # specifies the possible paths of the ps (or prn) to pdf converter set ps2pdfConverterPathList {\ {C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}\ {C:\Arquivos de programas\Adobe\Acrobat 4.0\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}\ {C:\Arquivos de programas\Adobe\Acrobat 5.0\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}} # >> About ePrintAdministrator # used for ePrint # optional # defines the advanced username when the author closes his ePrint set ePrintAdministrator marciana # >> About siteListForSearch # used to expand the search to other sites # optional # set siteListForSearch {{mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m13.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m15.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m17.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br 800}} set siteListForSearch {{marte.dpi.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m05.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m15.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m17.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br 800} {mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br 800}} # >> About displayReviewButton # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 1 # 0 means to don't display the review button # 1 means to display the review button # set displayReviewButton 0 # >> About attributeTable # optional # attributeTable is used to automatically fill a field at document submission # attributeTable may be set using: Administrator page for setting field value attributes # examples: # set attributeTable(year=2008,area=SRE,issn,secondarymark,0149-1423) A # set attributeTable(year=2007,journal,dissemination,Agriculture,_Ecosystems_and_Environment) {WEBSCI PORTALCAPES} # in this last case, for instance, when submitting a document with the field journal filled out with {Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment}, # then the field @dissemination is automatically filled out by Submit with {WEBSCI PORTALCAPES} # >> About attributeListTable # optional # defines the attribute fields within the administrator page for field value attribute setting (see repository iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ # examples: # set attributeListTable(year=2008,area=SRE,issn) {secondarymark} # set attributeListTable(year=2008,journal) {dissimination issn} # >> About mappingOrder # optional # defines the mapping options (example of mapping option: year=2008,journal) and their order # used with automatic filling using mappings (tables) in case of mapping composition (see submit.tcl) # example: # set mappingOrder {year=2008,journal year=2008,author year=2008,issn year=2008,firstgroup} # in this last case, the issn value is obtained from # attributeTable(year=2008,journal,issn,Agriculture,_Ecosystems_and_Environment) 0149-1423 # then the secondarymark is obtained from # set attributeTable(year=2008,issn,secondarymark,0149-1423) A # >> About attributeTableFileList # optional # defines a list of url of files containing attribute tables (attributeTable) # example: # set attributeTableFileList { # http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3@80/2010/ # http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3@80/2010/ # } # 2008 if {[info exists currentProcedureName] && [regexp {^(Submit|Script)$} $currentProcedureName]} { # Script is for the script in the repository iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2008} $publishingYear]} { set attributeListTable(year=2008,journal) {dissemination issn secondarytype} set attributeListTable(year=2008,author) {group affiliation} set attributeListTable(year=2008,firstgroup) {area} set attributeListTable(year=2008,issn) {secondarymark} ;# qualis # set attributeListTable(year=2008,area=SRE,issn) {secondarymark} ;# not used set mappingOrder {year=2008,journal year=2008,author year=2008,firstgroup year=2008,issn} set attributeTableFileList { http://mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ http://mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ http://mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ http://mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ http://mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ http://mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ http://mtc-m18.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2008/ } } # 2009 if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2009} $publishingYear]} { set attributeListTable(year=2009,journal) {dissemination issn secondarytype} set attributeListTable(year=2009,author) {group affiliation} set attributeListTable(year=2009,firstauthor) {area} set attributeListTable(year=2009,issn) {secondarymark} ;# qualis set mappingOrder {year=2009,journal year=2009,author year=2009,firstauthor year=2009,issn} set attributeTableFileList { http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2009/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2009/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2009/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2009/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2009/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2009/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc2@80/2009/ } } # 2010 if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2010} $publishingYear]} { set attributeListTable(year=2010,journal) {dissemination issn secondarytype} set attributeListTable(year=2010,author) {group affiliation} set attributeListTable(year=2010,firstauthor) {area} set attributeListTable(year=2010,issn) {secondarymark} ;# qualis set mappingOrder {year=2010,journal year=2010,author year=2010,firstauthor year=2010,issn} set attributeTableFileList { http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3@80/2010/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3@80/2010/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3@80/2010/ http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3@80/2010/ } } # 2011 if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2011} $publishingYear]} { set attributeListTable(year=2011,journal) {dissemination issn secondarytype} set attributeListTable(year=2011,author) {group affiliation} set attributeListTable(year=2011,firstauthor) {area} set attributeListTable(year=2011,issn) {secondarymark} ;# qualis set mappingOrder {year=2011,journal year=2011,author year=2011,firstauthor year=2011,issn} set attributeTableFileList { http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/urlib.net/www/2011/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/urlib.net/www/2011/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/urlib.net/www/2011/ http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/urlib.net/www/2011/ } } # 2012 if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2012} $publishingYear]} { set attributeListTable(year=2012,journal) {dissemination issn secondarytype} set attributeListTable(year=2012,author) {resumeid group affiliation} set attributeListTable(year=2012,firstauthor) {area} set attributeListTable(year=2012,issn) {secondarymark} ;# qualis set mappingOrder {year=2012,journal year=2012,author year=2012,firstauthor year=2012,issn} set attributeTableFileList { http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2012/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2012/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2012/ http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2012/ http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2012/ } } set creatorListForArray { {Journal Article} author {Book} author {Book Section} author {Edited Book} editor {Magazine Article} author {Newspaper} editor {Newspaper Article} reporter {Conference Proceedings} author {Thesis} author {Personal Communication} author {Computer Program} programmer {Report} author {Map} cartographer {Image} author {Data} runby {Audiovisual Material} author {Film or Broadcast} director {Unpublished} author {Misc} author {Artwork} author {Patent} author {Electronic Source} author {Resume} fullname {Archival Unit} creatorname } array set creatorArray $creatorListForArray # 2013 if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2013} $publishingYear]} { set attributeListTable(year=2013,author) {resumeid group affiliation} set attributeListTable(year=2013,firstauthor) {area} set attributeListTable(year=2013,journal) {dissemination issn secondarytype} set attributeListTable(year=2013,issn) {secondarymark} ;# qualis set attributeTableFileList {} if {![info exists referenceType] || [string equal {author} $creatorArray($referenceType)]} { lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2013/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2013/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2013/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2013/} } if {![info exists referenceType] || [string equal {Journal Article} $referenceType]} { lappend attributeTableFileList {http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/dpi.inpe.br/banon-pc3/2013/} } set mappingOrder {year=2013,journal year=2013,author year=2013,firstauthor year=2013,issn} } # 2014 if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2014} $publishingYear]} { set attributeListTable(year=2014,author) {resumeid group affiliation} set attributeListTable(year=2014,firstauthor) {area} set attributeListTable(year=2014,journal) {dissemination issn secondarytype} set attributeListTable(year=2014,issn) {secondarymark} ;# qualis set attributeTableFileList {} if {![info exists referenceType] || [string equal {author} $creatorArray($referenceType)]} { lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/mtc-m19/2014/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/mtc-m19/2014/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/mtc-m19/2014/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/mtc-m19/2014/} } if {![info exists referenceType] || [string equal {Journal Article} $referenceType]} { lappend attributeTableFileList {http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://bibdigital.sid.inpe.br/col/iconet.com.br/banon/2007/} lappend attributeTableFileList {http://mtc-m19.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/mtc-m19/2014/} } set mappingOrder {year=2014,journal year=2014,author year=2014,firstauthor year=2014,issn} } } # >> About displayTable # optional # displayTable is used to customize the administrator page for field value attribute setting # same as displayTable below # example: # array set displayTable {{journal,dissemination} {2.2 {} {} {}}} # >> About boxTable # optional # boxTable is used to customize the administrator page for field value attribute setting # defines the entries of INPUT with TYPE=CHECKBOX (when using 2.2 coding) # array set boxTable {journal,dissemination} {{{WEBSCI} 0} {{PORTALCAPES} 0} {{SCIELO} 0} {{AGU} 0} {{MGA} 0} {{COMPENDEX} 0}} # >> About automaticFilling # optional # automaticFilling value is 0 or 1 # 1 means to try automatic filling using mappings (tables) # 0 means to force manual filling # omitting automaticFilling is equivalent as automaticFilling == 0 (manual filling) set automaticFilling 1 # == Variables which are specific to a given reference type # >> About contentTypeTable # defines mandatory content types # no or emtpy contentTypeTable means allow all content types # some values are: # application/msword # application/applefile (for msword as well !!) # application/download # application/force-download # application/octet-stream # application/pdf # application/postscript # application/powerpoint # application/rar # application/save # application/vnd.ms-powerpoint # application/vnd.ms-pps # application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text # application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template # application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation # application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow # application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document # application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template # application/x-pdf # application/x-rar # application/x-rar-compressed # application/x-tex # application/x-tcl # application/x-zip # application/x-zip-compressed # application/zip # image/bmp # image/gif # image/jpeg # image/pjpeg # image/png # image/tiff # text/html # text/xml # text/x-tex # text/plain # text/richtext # >> About orderingFieldTable # optional # defines field order from the top # omitted fields are left in the bottom part following the default order # Example: # array set orderingFieldTable {{Journal Article} {%T %A}} # >> About headerTable # optional # used for ePrint # defines the header format # example: # array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {624\\1(INPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate)\\2}} ;# 624 is the place of the header first character in order to have this header almost centralized # 624 is the place of the header first character in order to have this header almost centralized # >> About readUserNameList # optional (if it is not used the readUserList (in Submit) is set to empty, i.e., every one have read permission) # used by Submit (at submit only) # example: # set readUserNameList(Thesis) {yolanda} # if readUserNameList is not empty or if the read permission is {deny from all} # then the advanced user (who submits the document), the next advanced user and the # administrator are added to the read user list by Submit # (to be effective, the option Require User (in Setting the Preferences) must have been selected) set loginDosUsuariosComPermissaoDeLeituraPorSenha {yolanda} set readUserNameList(Thesis) $loginDosUsuariosComPermissaoDeLeituraPorSenha ;# this allows the author to open the thesis from home - readergroup returns to empty when read permission is set to {allow from all} (see Submit) set readUserNameList(Book) $loginDosUsuariosComPermissaoDeLeituraPorSenha ;# this allows the author to open the thesis from home - readergroup returns to empty when read permission is set to {allow from all} (see Submit) # >> About requiredFieldFootnoteTable # defines the footnote reference for required field (used by mirror.tcl and submit.tcl) # examples: (1) (*) # Migration 25/1/04 # >> About initialFootnoteNumberTable # defines the initial value for the footnote number # example: 2 # Migration 25/1/04 - end # >> About searchOptionTable # defines the search option # values are no or yes; no is default # yes means to display the search option for form filling # >> About searchBaseTable # optional # used by cgi/search.tcl # defines the data base used in the search # values are metadataArray (default) or writeUserArray # example: # array set searchBaseTable {{Misc} {writeUserArray}} # >> About displayTable # The first list element specifies the input type as described below # 0 means to don't display (hidden input) # 1.1 means to display a TEXTAREA with WRAP=OFF (must be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group and %@affiliation in order to be able to enter one name per line) # 1.2 means to display a TEXTAREA with WRAP=VIRTUAL # 1.3 means to display a TEXTAREA with WRAP=PHYSICAL # 2.1 means to display an INPUT with TYPE=TEXT (should not be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group and %@affiliation) # 2.2 means to display an INPUT with TYPE=CHECKBOX (must not be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group and %@affiliation) # 2.3 means to display an INPUT with TYPE=RADIO (must not be used with the fields %A, %E, %Y, %?, %@group and %@affiliation) - not implemented # 3 means to display a SELECT with optionTable # 4 means to display just the field value # The second list element is a reference to a filling instruction footnote # The third list element is the input default value (used for hidden inputs as well) # use fifteen \ before square brackets, example: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[CD-ROM\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] # The fourth list element is the customized field name (the fields File Name, User Name and Password cannot be customized) # >> About optionTable # defines the options of SELECT (see item 3 above) # each list item == option name == option value # >> About optionTable2 # defines the options of SELECT (see item 3 above) # each list item == {{option name} {option value}} ConditionalSet userGroup2 userGroup {} if {[info exists update] && $update} { # update array set optionTable2 [list {Journal Article,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {marciana marciana} {tereza@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] # array set optionTable2 [list {Book,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { # {jefferson jefferson} {tereza@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} {{BIBLIOTECA} yolanda} # }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Book,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {jefferson jefferson} {tereza@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} {{BIBLIOTECA} yolanda} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Book Section,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {jefferson jefferson} {tereza@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} {{BIBLIOTECA} yolanda} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Edited Book,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {jefferson jefferson} {tereza@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} {{BIBLIOTECA} yolanda} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Conference Proceedings,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {marciana marciana} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Thesis,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {jefferson jefferson} {tereza@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br} {alessandra@sid.inpe.br alessandra@sid.inpe.br} {luis.cpv@hotmail.com luis.cpv@hotmail.com} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} {{BIBLIOTECA} yolanda} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Report,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {jefferson jefferson} {tereza@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} {{BIBLIOTECA} yolanda} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Film or Broadcast,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {marciana marciana} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Computer Program,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {jefferson jefferson} {tereza@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} {{BIBLIOTECA} yolanda} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Electronic Source,%@documentstage} [concat [DeleteItem2 [lsort [lsort -unique -index 1 [concat [ReplicateTwice2 $userGroup2] { {{another advanced user => } {another advanced user}} {jefferson jefferson} {tereza@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br} {marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} {{BIBLIOTECA} yolanda} }]]] $userName] {{{} {not transfered}}}]] } else { # submit array set optionTable2 {{Book,%@documentstage} { {{BIBLIOTECA - Inicia Revisão} {yolanda}} {{} {not transfered}} }} array set optionTable2 {{Book Section,%@documentstage} { {{BIBLIOTECA - Inicia Revisão} {yolanda}} {{} {not transfered}} }} array set optionTable2 {{Edited Book,%@documentstage} { {{BIBLIOTECA - Inicia Revisão} {yolanda}} {{} {not transfered}} }} array set optionTable2 {{Thesis,%@documentstage} { {{BIBLIOTECA - Inicia Revisão} {yolanda}} {{} {not transfered}} }} array set optionTable2 {{Report,%@documentstage} { {{BIBLIOTECA - Inicia Revisão} {yolanda}} {{} {not transfered}} }} array set optionTable2 {{Computer Program,%@documentstage} { {{BIBLIOTECA - Inicia Revisão} {yolanda}} {{} {not transfered}} }} } # >> About orderingTable # optional (for the review system) # defines a field order of the review part of a submit form # array set orderingTable {Misc,relevancia 1} # array set orderingTable {Misc,adequacao 2} # >> About defaultOptionTable # optional # used only when the first list element of displayTable is 3 # defines the SELECTED option if the third list element of displayTable is {} # (the third list element of displayTable, if not {}, overwrites the defaultOptionTable) # useful mainly at submission # useful at update only if the current field value and the third list element of displayTable are both {} # at update, when the field name is %@documentstage and the current field value is not {} # and doesn't match any select options then the field value is et to the value given in # the defaultOptionTable (migration facilities) # documention written by GJFB in 2011-01-17 # >> About updateOptionTable # optional ## defines the updating option, values is one of these: all, update, {remove before update}, add, {add and copy} and finish ## defines the updating option, value is one of these: all, update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy}, run, and finish # defines the updating option, value is one of these: all, update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy}, run and finish # value may also be a list of the previous items (except all) # at the present time, the allowed values are: all, update, add, {update {remove before update}} and {update finish} # default is all # all means that the nine menu options: update, {remove before update}, {update source directory}, {remove before update source directory}, {update agreement directory}, {remove before update agreement directory}, add, {add and copy} and finish, may be displayed # the resulting display depends upon depositOptionTable (see below) # unless the reference type is Electronic Source, in this case just update and finish are displayed # example: # array set updateOptionTable {{Archival Unit} {update finish}} # >> About acceptCheckBoxFlagTable # optional # value is 0 or 1, 0 means to hide the copyright accept check box and 1 to show it # default is 1 # example: # array set acceptCheckBoxFlagTable {{Resume} 0} # >> About targetFileCheckBoxFlagTable # optional # value is 0 or 1, 0 means to hide the target file check box and 1 to show it # default is 1 # example: # array set targetFileCheckBoxFlagTable {{Electronic Source} 0} # >> About userListWithPermissionToFinish # optional # defines which advanced users have permission to finish the update cycle # only the advanced users with permission see the finish option # default is all users have permission # example: # array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Journal Article} marciana} array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Journal Article} {marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br}} array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Book} {marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br viveca viveca@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br}} array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Book Section} {marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br viveca@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br}} array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Edited Book} {marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br viveca@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br}} array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Conference Proceedings} {marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br}} array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Thesis} {marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br viveca@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br}} array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Report} {marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br viveca@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br}} array set userListWithPermissionToFinish {{Patent} {marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br}} # >> About depositOptionTable # optional # defines depositing options, values is a list # examples: # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {copytosource}} ;# old coding # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {enablecopytosource 1}} # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {copyabstracttodoc 1}} # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {enablecopytosource 0 copyabstracttodoc 1}} # array set depositOptionTable {{Misc} {enablecopytosource 0 copyabstracttodoc 1 copyfootertoagreement 1}} ## array set depositOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {deletedoccontentbeforeupdate 1}} # enablecopytosource and copyabstracttodoc default values are 0s - order is irrelevant # copyfootertoagreement default value is 1 # option order is irrelevant # >> About numberOfReviewersPerWorkTable # optional (for the review system) # defines the number of reviewers per work (for example 2 or 3) # array set numberOfReviewersPerWorkTable {{Conference Proceedings} 2} # >> About submitTargetFileOptionTable # optional # used when submitting a document, values are disable or enable # default is enable # disable means to don't create target file # array set submitTargetFileOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} disable} # >> About fillOutFieldTable # optional # used to automatically fill out a field depending of another field of the type SELECT # for example, if the group field content depends on the area field content: # array set fillOutFieldTable {{Journal Article,%@area,%@group} {{} {} {CEA} {} {COMB} {} {COMP} {LAC} {ETES} {} {FISMAT} {LAS} {FISPLASMA} {LAP} {MET} {} {SRE} {}}} # >> About localCollectionPublisherTable # optional # table values are regular expressions # used to automatically fill out the contenttype field from the publisher field # for example, if the publisher field is filled out with something different from "INPE" # or "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais", # then the contenttype field is automatically filled out with "External Contribution" # otherwise it is filled out with empty # effective only if the current contenttype value is {} or {External Contribution} # array set localCollectionPublisherTable {{Conference Proceedings} {INPE|Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais}} # >> About actionTable # optional # used to set dynamically the action value of the form based on a given field value # an action value is the list {serverAddress mirrorRep} # for example if the action value depends on the area field content: # array set actionTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {{{CEA} {}} {{COMB} {}} {{COMP} {}} {{ETES} {}} {{FISMAT} {}} {{FISPLASMA} {}} {{MET} {}} {{SRE} {mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br:80 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/}}}} # >> About postSubmissionProcessTable # optional # used to define a list of repositories containing scripts to process # the submitted files # array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper Article} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} # >> About submissionDestinationTable # optional # used to define the submission destination local collection # used with update and the option add (for example, used with ePrint) # only one field name should be used (here, for example, %@area) # array set submissionDestinationTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {SRE banon-pc2.dpi.inpe.br:1906/col/bighost.com.br/banon/2005/}} # >> About excludedSourceFieldNameTable # optional - default means to don't exclude any fields # used when the query variable sourcereferencetype is part of the query string # then the field transposition between the source reference type and the current # reference type is done except for the excluded fields # array set excludedSourceFieldNameTable {{Conference Proceedings} {%I %C}} # useful when closing ePrints # >> About publishingProgressTable # optional # value is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 # for Conference Proceedings: # 1 means: Submission and Update # 2 means: Review Process # 3 means: Update Only # 4 means: Camera-Ready Submission and Update # 5 means: Proceedings Publication # 6 means: Submission Maintenance # controls the update header for Conference Proceedings # set {publishingProgressTable(Conference Proceedings)} 3 # >> About submissionPolicyTable # optional # meaningfull only if restrictedSubmission == 0 # value is 1, 2 or 3 # 1 means to don't permit update # 2 means to create a password for the user # 3 means to leave the user choosing a login/password # if [lindex displayTable($referenceType,username) 0] == 0 then default is equivalent to value 1 # if [lindex displayTable($referenceType,username) 0] == 1 then default is equivalent to value 3 # >> About archiveAcronym # optional set archiveAcronym {MCTI/INPE} # >> About conferenceAcronym # optional # set conferenceAcronym {XIII SBSR} # has priority over archiveAcronym # used in controlArray.tcl # >> About displayAllReviewrsTable # optional # value is 0 or 1; 1 means to display all reviewers in the reviewer assignment page # default is 0 # array set displayAllReviewrsTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About blindReviewTable # optional # value is 0 or 1; 1 means to turn the review process blind # array set blindReviewTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About fillingButtonTable # try to fill out the field # optional # value is 0 or 1 # 0 means to don't display the filling buttons # 1 means to display the filling buttons # >> About checkingSessionDataTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 0 # 0 means to don't check session data when updating a form # 1 means to check session data when updating a form # array set checkingSessionDataTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # array set checkingSessionDataTable {{Book} 1} # >> About hideSubmissionTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 0 # 0 means to don't hide the submitted document (visibility is set to shown) # 1 means to hide the submitted document (visibility is set to hidden) # array set hideSubmissionTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About updatePolicyTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # 0 means to force update by the author # 1 means to force update by the alternate user (see alternateUserTable) # when set, the username field value is ignored # array set updatePolicyTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About alternateUserTable # optional # value is a valid user name # default is administrator # used in connection with updatePolicyTable # array set alternateUserTable {{Thesis} supervisor} # >> About forceAssignedPaperUpdateTable # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 0 # 0 means to don't force the update of assigned paper # 1 means to force the update of assigned paper # array set forceAssignedPaperUpdateTable {{Conference Proceedings} 1} # >> About addAudiovisualMaterialSubmissionOption # optional # value is 0 or 1 # default value is 0 # 0 means to don't add # 1 means to add audiovisual material submission option (used to customize submission form) # set addAudiovisualMaterialSubmissionOption 1 # >> About fieldValueFilterCommandTable # optional # used to modify fieldValue in Submit # example of field value filter command: # array set fieldValueFilterCommandTable {{Thesis,%8} {regsub {(..)/(..)/(....)} $fieldValue {\3-\2-\1} fieldValue}} # ------------ # == Variables which are used only in this script # >> manualFilling # manualFilling value is 0 at submit and 1 at update # used to hide some fields at submit if [info exists update] { set manualFilling $update } else { # Automatic filling using mappings (tables) set manualFilling 0 } # >> equipeDoSID # Os membros da equipe do SID tem privilégio da exibição do "search option for form filling" e de campos como notes, url, secondarykey... # assim como os campos year e mextedition para ePrint set equipeDoSID {^(administrator|alexandra|fabia|marciana|marciana@sid.inpe.br|seeger05|simone|yolanda|deicy|deicy@cptec.inpe.br|deicy.farabello|estagiario|rosemary|marta|martaseeger|lmanacero@yahoo.com|viveca@sid.inpe.br|tereza@sid.inpe.br|rodolfo@sid.inpe.br|alessandra@sid.inpe.br|luis.cpv@hotmail.com|valdirene|sergio|sergio@sid.inpe.br|banon|marcelo.pazos|marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br|aldo.bastos|geoinfo@dpi.inpe.br)$} # >> loginDosResponsaveisPelaAutorizacao # O responsável pelo autorização tem privilégio para atualizar: year, readpermission e, eventualmente secondarydate, readergroup e visibility # set loginDosResponsaveisPelaAutorizacao {banon banon@dpi.inpe.br} set loginDosResponsaveisPelaAutorizacao {marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br viveca@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br sergio sergio@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} # >> loginDosResponsaveisPeloAbstract # O responsável pelo abstract é tem também todas as opções de atualizações (all) set loginDosResponsaveisPeloAbstract {banon yolanda marciana marciana@sid.inpe.br viveca@sid.inpe.br tereza@sid.inpe.br lmanacero@yahoo.com alessandra@sid.inpe.br luis.cpv@hotmail.com sergio sergio@sid.inpe.br marcelo.pazos marcelo.pazos@sid.inpe.br} # >> areaBasedAction if 0 { # not used any more set areaBasedAction { {{} {}} {{CEA} {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br:80 sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/}} {{COMB} {mtc-m17.sid.inpe.br lcp.inpe.br/ignes/2004/}} {{COMP} {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br:80 sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/}} {{ETES} {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br:80 sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/}} {{FISMAT} {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br:80 sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/}} {{FISPLASMA} {mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br:80 sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/}} {{MET} {mtc-m15.sid.inpe.br cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/}} {{SRE} {mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br:80 sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/}} } } # >> groupOption2 set groupOption2 {} ;# para os anos anteriores a 2008 # importante >>> o if do ano corrente deve estar primeiro e somente ele deve conter os "ou" # Códigos da instituição INPE ao longo dos anos # Em 1992, o presidente Itamar Franco editou nova medida provisória que voltou a criar o ministério (MCT), que permanece como pasta da área até hoje. (http://www.mcti.gov.br/index.php/content/view/78973/Historico.html) # http://www.inpe.br/institucional/sobre_inpe/historia.php # 1992-2007 INPE-MCT-BR # 1971-1991 INPE-BR # 1963-1970 CNAE-BR # IPE -> INPE (1990) if {([info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2014} $publishingYear]) || \ ([info exists update] && !$update) || \ ([info exists referenceType] && [string equal {Electronic Source} $referenceType])} { # ANO CORRENTE # ano de 2014 ou submit ou ePrint # o nome de divisão YYY é usado quando o nome verdadeiro da divisão é desconhecido set groupOption2 { {} {CBE {{CBE CBE-CBE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CBE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CCR {{CCR CCR-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CRA CRA-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CRN CRN-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CRS CRS-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PAN PAN-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CEA {{CEA CEA-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DAE DAE-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DAS DAS-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DGE DGE-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SLB SLB-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CGI {{CGI CGI-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DGP DGP-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAB SAB-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAS SAS-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SEM SEM-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SGC SGC-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SIA SIA-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {URC URC-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CPA {{CPA CPA-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPO SPO-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPR SPR-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CPT {{CPT CPT-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DMD DMD-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DOP DOP-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSA DSA-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAA SAA-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SSS SSS-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CRC {{CRC CRC-CRC-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CRC-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CST {{CST CST-CST-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CST-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CTE {{CTE CTE-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LAC LAC-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LAP LAP-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LAS LAS-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LCP LCP-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CTO {{CTO CTO-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCO SCO-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCP SCP-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SOF SOF-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {STI STI-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {URO URO-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {DIR {{DIR DIR-DIR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-DIR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {ETE {{CBS CBS-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DEA DEA-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DMC DMC-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSE DSE-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSS DSS-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {ETE ETE-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PMM PMM-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCI SCI-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SGP SGP-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SMD SMD-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SMF SMF-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {GB {{GB GB-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAT SAT-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SID SID-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPG SPG-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {LIT {{LIT LIT-LIT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-LIT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {OBT {{ACB ACB-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {AMZ AMZ-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DGI DGI-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DPI DPI-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSR DSR-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {OBT OBT-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {SPG {{AST AST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CAP CAP-COMP-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMC CMC-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMS CMS-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CSE CSE-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CST CST-CST-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GES GES-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESAST GESAST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESATM GESATM-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {MET MET-MET-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PCP PCP-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SER SER-SRE-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {TEC {{TEC TEC-TEC-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {YYY YYY-TEC-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} } } if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2013} $publishingYear]} { # ano de 2013 set groupOption2 { {} {CBE {{CBE CBE-CBE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CCR {{CCR CCR-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CRA CRA-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CRN CRN-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CRS CRS-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PAN PAN-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CEA {{CEA CEA-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DAE DAE-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DAS DAS-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DGE DGE-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SLB SLB-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CGI {{CGI CGI-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DGP DGP-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAB SAB-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAS SAS-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SEM SEM-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SGC SGC-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SIA SIA-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {URC URC-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CPA {{CPA CPA-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPO SPO-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPR SPR-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CPT {{CPT CPT-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DMD DMD-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DOP DOP-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSA DSA-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAA SAA-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SSS SSS-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CRC {{CRC CRC-CRC-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CST {{CST CST-CST-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CTE {{CTE CTE-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LAC LAC-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LAP LAP-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LAS LAS-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LCP LCP-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CTO {{CTO CTO-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCO SCO-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCP SCP-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SOF SOF-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {STI STI-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {URO URO-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {DIR {{DIR DIR-DIR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {ETE {{CBS CBS-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DEA DEA-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DMC DMC-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSE DSE-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSS DSS-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {ETE ETE-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PMM PMM-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCI SCI-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SGP SGP-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SMD SMD-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SMF SMF-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {GB {{GB GB-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAT SAT-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SID SID-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPG SPG-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {LIT {{LIT LIT-LIT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {OBT {{ACB ACB-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {AMZ AMZ-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DGI DGI-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DPI DPI-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSR DSR-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {OBT OBT-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {SPG {{AST AST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CAP CAP-COMP-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMC CMC-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMS CMS-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CSE CSE-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CST CST-CST-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GES GES-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESAST GESAST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESATM GESATM-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {MET MET-MET-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PCP PCP-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SER SER-SRE-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {TEC {{TEC TEC-TEC-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} } } if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2012} $publishingYear]} { # ano de 2012 # nos dados da administração de 2012 # JANIO_KONO CBS-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR # deveria ser provalvelmente # JANIO_KONO CBS-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR # esse dado da administração foi mantido na tabela author,group set groupOption2 { {} {CBE {{CBE CBE-CBE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CCR {{CCR CCR-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CRA CRA-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CRN CRN-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CRS CRS-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PAN PAN-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {ROE ROE-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAU SAU-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPG SPG-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {URO URO-CCR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CEA {{CEA CEA-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DAE DAE-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DAS DAS-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DGE DGE-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SLB SLB-CEA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CGI {{CBA CBA-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CGI CGI-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DGP DGP-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAS SAS-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAB SAB-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SEM SEM-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SGC SGC-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SIA SIA-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {URC URC-CGI-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {COF {{CBA CBA-COF-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {COF COF-COF-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAB SAB-COF-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCO SCO-COF-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SSA SSA-COF-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CPA {{CPA CPA-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPO SPO-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPR SPR-CPA-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CPT {{CPT CPT-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DMD DMD-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DOP DOP-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSA DSA-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SAA SAA-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SSS SSS-CPT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CRC {{CRC CRC-CRC-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CST {{CST CST-CST-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCE SCE-CST-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CTE {{CTE CTE-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LAC LAC-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LAP LAP-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LAS LAS-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {LCP LCP-CTE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {CTO {{COF COF-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CTO CTO-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCO SCO-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCP SCP-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SOF SOF-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {STI STI-CTO-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {DIR {{DIR DIR-DIR-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {ETE {{CB CB-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DEA DEA-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DMC DMC-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSE DSE-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSS DSS-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {ETE ETE-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PMM PMM-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SCI SCI-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SGP SGP-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SMD SMD-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SMF SMF-ETE-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {GB {{GB GB-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SID SID-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SPG SPG-GB-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {LIT {{LIT LIT-LIT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {OBT {{ACB ACB-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {AMZ AMZ-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CBS CBS-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DGI DGI-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DPI DPI-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {DSR DSR-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {OBT OBT-OBT-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {SPG {{AST AST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CAP CAP-COMP-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMC CMC-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMS CMS-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CSE CSE-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CST CST-CST-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GES GES-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESAST GESAST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESATM GESATM-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {MET MET-MET-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PCP PCP-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SER SER-SRE-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} {TEC {{TEC TEC-TEC-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} } } if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2011} $publishingYear]} { # ano de 2011 set groupOption2 { {} {CBE {{CBE CBE-CBE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CCR {{CCR CCR-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {CRN CRN-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {CRS CRS-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {PAN PAN-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {SPG SPG-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CEA {{CEA CEA-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DAE DAE-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DAS DAS-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGE DGE-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {SLB SLB-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CGI {{CGI CGI-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGP DGP-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SAS SAS-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SEM SEM-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SGC SGC-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SIA SIA-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {COF {{CBA CBA-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {COF COF-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SAB SAB-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SAO SAO-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCC SCC-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCO SCO-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SOF SOF-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SSA SSA-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {URC URC-COF-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CPA {{CPA CPA-CPA-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CPT {{CPT CPT-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMA DMA-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMD DMD-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DOP DOP-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSA DSA-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {SPU SPU-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {SSS SSS-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CRC {{CRC CRC-CRC-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CST {{CST CST-CST-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CTE {{CTE CTE-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAC LAC-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAP LAP-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAS LAS-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LCP LCP-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {DIR {{DIR DIR-DIR-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {ETE {{CBS CBS-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DEA DEA-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMC DMC-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSE DSE-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSS DSS-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {ETE ETE-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {PMM PMM-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCI SCI-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SGP SGP-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SMD SMD-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SMF SMF-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {GB {{GB GB-GB-INPE-MCT-BR} {SID SID-GB-INPE-MCT-BR} {STI STI-GB-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {LIT {{LIT LIT-LIT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {OBT {{ACB ACB-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {AMZ AMZ-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGI DGI-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DPI DPI-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSR DSR-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {OBT OBT-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {SPG {{SPG SPG-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {TEC {{TEC TEC-TEC-INPE-MCT-BR}}} } } if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2010} $publishingYear]} { # ano de 2010 set groupOption2 { {} {CBE {{CBE CBE-CBE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CCR {{CCR CCR-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {CRN CRN-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {CRS CRS-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {PAN PAN-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {SPG SPG-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CEA {{CEA CEA-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DAE DAE-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DAS DAS-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGE DGE-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {SLB SLB-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CGI {{CGI CGI-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGP DGP-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SAS SAS-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SEM SEM-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SGC SGC-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SIA SIA-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {COF {{CBA CBA-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {COF COF-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SAB SAB-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SAO SAO-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCC SCC-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCO SCO-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SOF SOF-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SSA SSA-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {URC URC-COF-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CPA {{CPA CPA-CPA-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CPT {{CPT CPT-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMA DMA-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMD DMD-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DOP DOP-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSA DSA-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {SPU SPU-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {SSS SSS-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CRC {{CRC CRC-CRC-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CST {{CST CST-CST-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CTE {{CTE CTE-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAC LAC-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAP LAP-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAS LAS-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LCP LCP-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {DIR {{DIR DIR-DIR-INPE-MCT-BR} {GB GB-DIR-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {ETE {{CBS CBS-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DEA DEA-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMC DMC-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSE DSE-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSS DSS-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {ETE ETE-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {PMM PMM-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCI SCI-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SGP SGP-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SMD SMD-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SMF SMF-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {GB {{SID SID-GB-INPE-MCT-BR} {STI STI-GB-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {LIT {{LIT LIT-LIT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {OBT {{ACB ACB-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {AMZ AMZ-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGI DGI-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DPI DPI-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSR DSR-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {OBT OBT-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {SPG {{SPG SPG-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {TEC {{TEC TEC-TEC-INPE-MCT-BR}}} } } if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2009} $publishingYear]} { # ano de 2009 set groupOption2 { {} {CBE {{CBE CBE-CBE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CCR {{CCR CCR-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {CRN CRN-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {CRS CRS-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {PAN PAN-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR} {SPG SPG-CCR-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CEA {{CEA CEA-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DAE DAE-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DAS DAS-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGE DGE-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {SLB SLB-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CGI {{CGI CGI-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGP DGP-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SAS SAS-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SEM SEM-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SGC SGC-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR} {SIA SIA-CGI-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {COF {{CBA CBA-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {COF COF-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SAB SAB-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SAO SAO-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCC SCC-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCO SCO-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SOF SOF-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {SSA SSA-COF-INPE-MCT-BR} {URC URC-COF-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CPA {{CPA CPA-CPA-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CPT {{CPT CPT-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMA DMA-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMD DMD-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DOP DOP-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSA DSA-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {SPU SPU-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {SSS SSS-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CRC {{CRC CRC-CRC-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CST {{CST CST-CST-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CTE {{CTE CTE-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAC LAC-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAP LAP-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAS LAS-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LCP LCP-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {DIR {{DIR DIR-DIR-INPE-MCT-BR} {GB GB-DIR-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {ETE {{CBS CBS-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DEA DEA-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMC DMC-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSE DSE-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSS DSS-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {ETE ETE-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {PMM PMM-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCI SCI-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SGP SGP-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SMD SMD-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SMF SMF-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {GB {{SID SID-GB-INPE-MCT-BR} {STI STI-GB-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {LIT {{LIT LIT-LIT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {OBT {{ACB ACB-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {AMZ AMZ-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGI DGI-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DPI DPI-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSR DSR-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {OBT OBT-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {TEC {{TEC TEC-TEC-INPE-MCT-BR}}} } } if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2008} $publishingYear]} { # ano de 2008 set groupOption2 { {} {CBE {{CBE CBE-CBE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CEA {{DAE DAE-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DAS DAS-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGE DGE-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {PAN PAN-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR} {SLB SLB-CEA-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CIE {{CRN CRN-CIE-INPE-MCT-BR} {RSU RSU-CIE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CPA {{CPA CPA-CPA-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CPT {{CPT CPT-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMA DMA-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMD DMD-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DOP DOP-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSA DSA-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {SPU SPU-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR} {SSS SSS-CPT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CRC {{CRC CRC-CRC-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CST {{CST CST-CST-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {CTE {{LAC LAC-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAP LAP-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LAS LAS-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR} {LCP LCP-CTE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {ETE {{CPM CPM-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {CRS CRS-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DEA DEA-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DMC DMC-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSE DSE-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSS DSS-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCC SCC-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCE SCE-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SCI SCI-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SFM SFM-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR} {SGP SGP-ETE-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {GB {{GB GB-GB-INPE-MCT-BR} {SID SID-GB-INPE-MCT-BR} {STD STD-GB-INPE-MCT-BR} {STI STI-GB-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {LIT {{LIT LIT-LIT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {OBT {{ACB ACB-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {AMZ AMZ-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DGI DGI-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DPI DPI-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR} {DSR DSR-OBT-INPE-MCT-BR}}} {TEC {{TEC TEC-TEC-INPE-MCT-BR}}} } } # >> groupAffiliationFillout if $manualFilling { set numberOfGroups 0 foreach item $groupOption2 { if [string equal {} $item] {continue} incr numberOfGroups [llength [lindex $item 1]] } if {[info tclversion] > 8.4 && $numberOfGroups > 0} { # tcl > 8.4 because of lrepeat set groupAffiliationFillout [join [concat {{{}} {{}}} [lrepeat $numberOfGroups {{} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}}]]] } else { set groupAffiliationFillout {{} {}} } } # >> thesisList # usado para montar o menu Vinculação à T&D if {[info exists publishingYear] && [string equal {2014} $publishingYear]} { # Source http://mtc-m21b.sid.inpe.br/sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2014/ thesisList Source http://mtc-m21b.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/mtc-m21b/2014/ thesisList } if [info exists thesisList] { set inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark 3 } else { set inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark 0 set thesisList {} } # >> inputTypeNumber if [string equal {} $groupOption2] { set inputTypeNumber 2.1 } else { set inputTypeNumber 3 } # >> areaOption2 set areaOption2 { {{} {}} {{Ciência do Sistema Terrestre} {CST}} {{Ciência Espacial e Atmosférica} {CEA}} {{Combustão e Propulsão} {COMB}} {{Computação Aplicada} {COMP}} {{Engenharia e Tecnologia Espaciais} {ETES}} {{Física de Plasma} {FISPLASMA}} {{Gestão Estratégica} {GEST}} {{Gestão e Tecnologia da Informação} {INFO}} {{Observação da Terra} {SRE}} {{Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos} {MET}} {{Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais e Sensores} {FISMAT}} } # ------------ # Setting the specific variables foreach item $referenceTypeList { if ![string equal {Resume} $item] {set displayTable($item,%@nexthigherunit) {0 {} {} {}}} if {[info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists publishingYear] && ![string equal {} $publishingYear] && \ [info exists repositoryContentType] && ![string equal {External Contribution} $repositoryContentType]} { set displayTable($item,%@rightsholder) {3 {} {} {}} if {$publishingYear >= 2012} { set optionTable2($item,%@rightsholder) {{{} {}} {{titular original} {originalauthor yes}} {{INPE por cessão} {originalauthor no name INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR}}} } else { set optionTable2($item,%@rightsholder) {{{} {}} {{titular original} {originalauthor yes}} {{INPE por cessão} {originalauthor no name INPE-MCT-BR}}} } } else { set displayTable($item,%@rightsholder) {0 {} {} {}} } if [string equal {Journal Article} $item] {set displayTable($item,%@shorttitle) {0 {} {} {}}} if [string equal {Conference Proceedings} $item] {set displayTable($item,%@shorttitle) {0 {} {} {}}} } # --------------------------------------------> Setting Field Value Attributes # the tables below are used to format the Administrator page for setting field value attributes # repository: iconet.com.br/banon/2007/ array set displayTable {{journal,dissemination} {2.2 {} {} {}}} array set displayTable {{journal,issn} {2.1 {} {} {}}} array set displayTable {{journal,secondarytype} {3 {} {} {}}} array set boxTable {{journal,dissemination} {{{WEBSCI} 0} {{PORTALCAPES} 0} {{SCIELO} 0} {{AGU} 0} {{MGA} 0} {{COMPENDEX} 0} {{IEEEXplore} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{journal,secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Revista Internacional} {PRE PI}} {{Revista Nacional} {PRE PN}}}} # --------------------------------------------> Advanced User Registration array set displayTable {{Advanced User Registration,%@fullname} 2.1} ;# fullname - values are 0 or 2.1 - 2.1 means to display the field - optional; default is 0 array set displayTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} 0} ;# theme - values are 0, 2.2 or 3 - 2.2 or 3 means to display the field - optional; default is 0 # array set displayTable {{Advanced User Registration,reviewlist} 4} ;# reviewlist array set optionTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} {{} {Mathematics} {Physics} {Chemistry} {Biology}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Advanced User Registration,%9} {}} # --------------------------------------------> Journal Article array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Journal Article} {51200000}} ;# 50000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Journal Article} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/postscript application/pdf application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext }} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Journal Article} {%@secondarykey %T %A %B %V %N %P %8 %D %X %K %@area %@group %@affiliation %@issn}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Journal Article} {%D %A %T %B %V %N %P %8 %K %X %@secondarykey %@issn}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Journal Article} {%@secondarykey %A %T %D %B %V %N %P %8 %@doi %K %X %@issn}} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Journal Article} {(*)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Journal Article} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Journal Article} {no}} array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%B} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - journal array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%I} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%C} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%V} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - number array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - pages array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# date - month array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%9} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - alternatejournal array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%K} {2.1\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%U} {2.1\ {} {} {Endereço Web do Documento}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {External Contribution} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {4\ {} {} {Circulação}}} ;# - secondarytype } else { array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype } array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@dissemination} {4\ {} {} {Revista com Divulgação em}}} ;# - dissemination } else { array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {Revista com Divulgação em}}} ;# - dissemination } array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {Area do Conhecimento}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@issn} {4\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# - issn } else { array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@issn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - issn } array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@mark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarymark} {0\ {} {} {Qualis}}} ;# - secondarymark if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Journal Article,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Journal Article,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Journal Article,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } if $manualFilling { # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@resumeid} {4\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Journal Article,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@affiliation} {2.1 \ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } else { array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@resumeid} {0\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@group} {0\ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@readergroup} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@readpermission} {0\ {[Help INPEReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission - might be hidden dependending on archivingPolicy array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {not transfered} {}}} ;# - documentstage if {[info exists update] && $update} { # update array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set defaultOptionTable {{Journal Article,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup if {[info exists size] && ![string equal {} $size]} { set requiredFieldFlag {(*)} } else { set requiredFieldFlag {} } array set displayTable [list {Journal Article,%@versiontype} [list 3\ $requiredFieldFlag {} {}]] ;# - versiontype - is hidden at update when repositoryContentType != {External Contribution} if {[info exists update] && $update} { array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@archivingpolicy} {4\ {} {} {}}} ;# - archivingpolicy - is hidden at update when repositoryContentType != {External Contribution} } array set displayTable {{Journal Article,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename array set displayTable {{Journal Article,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Journal Article,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Journal Article,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set updateOptionTable {{Journal Article} {all}} # array set boxTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Journal Article,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} array set boxTable {{Journal Article,%@dissemination} {{{WEBSCI} 0} {{PORTALCAPES} 0} {{SCIELO} 0} {{AGU} 0} {{MGA} 0} {{COMPENDEX} 0} {{IEEEXplore} 0}}} # array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%8} {{} jan. Jan. fev. Feb. mar. Mar. abr. Apr. maio May jun. June jul. July ago. Aug. set. Sep. out. Oct. nov. Nov. dez. Dec.}} # array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} # array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarymark} {{} A B C}} # if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set fillOutFieldTable {{Journal Article,%@area,%@group} {{} {} {CEA} {DAE\\\\\\\\nDGE\\\\\\\\nDAS\\\\\\\\nSLB} {COMB} {} {COMP} {LAC} {ETES} {} {FISMAT} {LAS} {FISPLASMA} {LAP} {MET} {} {SRE} {DGI\\\\\\\\nAMZ\\\\\\\\nDSR\\\\\\\\nDPI}}} # array set fillOutFieldTable {{Journal Article,%@area,%@affiliation} {{} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} {CEA} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Divisão de Aeronomia (INPE, DAE)\\\\\\\\nInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Divisão de Geofísica Espacial (INPE, DGE)\\\\\\\\nInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Divisão de Astrofísica (INPE, DAS)\\\\\\\\nInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Setor de Lançamento de Balão (INPE, SLB)} {COMB} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} {COMP} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Laboratório Associado de Computação e Matemática Aplicada, (INPE, LAC)}} {{ETES} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} {FISMAT} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Laboratório Associado de Sensores e Materiais, (INPE, LAS)} {FISPLASMA} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Laboratório Associado de Plasmas, (INPE, LAP)} {MET} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} {SRE} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Divisão de Geração de Imagens (INPE, DGI)\\\\\\\\nInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Coordenação do Programa Amazônia (INPE, AMZ)\\\\\\\\nInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Divisão de Sensoriamento Remoto (INPE, DSR)\\\\\\\\nInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Divisão de Processamento de Imagens (INPE, DPI)}}} # } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Journal Article,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Journal Article,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Journal Article,%@group} $groupOption2] array set optionTable2 [list {Journal Article,%@area} $areaOption2] # array set optionTable2 {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Revista Internacional} {PRE PI}} {{Revista Internacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE PI IPV}} {{Revista Internacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {PRE PI SPG~IPV}} {{Revista Nacional} {PRE PN}} {{Revista Nacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE PN IPV}} {{Revista Nacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {PRE PN SPG~IPV}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Revista Internacional} {PRE PI}} {{Revista Nacional} {PRE PN}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Journal Article,%@copyholder} {{{não} {}} {{sim} {SID/SCD}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Journal Article,%@copyholder} {}} # array set optionTable2 {{Journal Article,%@readpermission} {{{acesso livre} {allow from all}} {{restrita ao INPE} {150.163}} {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}}} # array set optionTable2 [list {Journal Article,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set optionTable2 [list {Journal Article,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} {{acesso restrito} intranet}]] array set defaultOptionTable [list {Journal Article,%@readpermission} intranet] # array set submissionDestinationTable {{Journal Article,%@area} {CEA mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ COMB mtc-m17.sid.inpe.br/col/lcp.inpe.br/ignes/2004/ COMP mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ ETES mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ FISMAT mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ FISPLASMA mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ MET mtc-m15.sid.inpe.br/col/cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/ SRE mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/}} # array set optionTable2 {{Journal Article,%@versiontype} {{{} {}} {{Publisher's Version} {publisher}} {{Final Draft Post-Refereeing} {finaldraft}}}} array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%@versiontype} {{} {publisher} {finaldraft}}} array set optionTable {{Journal Article,%9} {{} {journal article} {conference paper}}} # --------------------------------------------> Book array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Book} {51200000}} ;# 50000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Book} { application/force-download application/iopexport_bib application/msword application/octet-stream application/postscript application/pdf application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext text/x-tex }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Book} {(*)}} array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Book} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Book} {no}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Book} {%D %A %T %B %K %X %@secondarykey %@isbn %I %C}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Book} {%@secondarykey %A %T %D %B %K %X %@issn %I %C}} array set displayTable {{Book,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author # array set displayTable {{Book,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Book,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title # array set displayTable {{Book,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - seriestitle # array set displayTable {{Book,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - serieseditor # array set displayTable {{Book,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher # array set displayTable {{Book,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Book,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Book,%6} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Book,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Book,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Book,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Book,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Book,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Book,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Book,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Book,%?} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor - translator array set displayTable {{Book,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Book,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISBN}}} ;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Book,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Book,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Book,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Book,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Book,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Book,%K} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Keywords]} {} {Palavras-Chave Controladas
(em Português e em Inglês)}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Book,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Book,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Book,%U} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Book,%(} {2.1\ {[Help PreviousEdition]} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Book,%)} {2.1\ {[Help NextEdition]} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Book,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Book,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language # array set displayTable {{Book,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {External Contribution} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Book,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Book,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarytype} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Book,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Book,%@dissemination} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Book,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {Area do Conhecimento}}} ;# - area } else { array set displayTable {{Book,%@area} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area } # array set displayTable {{Book,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn if {$manualFilling && [info exists publishingYear] && ![string equal {} $publishingYear]} { # array set displayTable {{Book,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Book,%@resumeid} {4\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Book,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Book,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } else { array set displayTable {{Book,%@resumeid} {0\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Book,%@group} {0\ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Book,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } array set displayTable {{Book,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Book,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Book,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate # array set displayTable {{Book,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission # array set displayTable {{Book,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage # array set displayTable {{Book,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Book,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Book,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename array set displayTable {{Book,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Book,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Book,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set depositOptionTable {{Book} {enablecopytosource 1}} # array set localCollectionPublisherTable {{Book} {INPE|Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais}} array set localCollectionPublisherTable {{Book} {INPE|Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais|^$}} ;# added by GJFB in 2012-04-11 to include unknown publisher and allow insertion of original document # array set boxTable {{Book,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Book,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} # array set optionTable {{Book,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Book,%@area} $areaOption2] # array set boxTable {{Book,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 1} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 1} {{MGA} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Book,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 0} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 1} {{MGA} 0}}} ;# added by GJFB in 2011-06-10 if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set actionTable [list {Book,%@area} $areaBasedAction] } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Book,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Book,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Book,%@group} $groupOption2] # array set optionTable {{Book,%@secondarytype} {{} {LI} {LN} {MAN} {NTC} {PUD}}} array set optionTable2 {{Book,%@copyholder} {{{não} {}} {{sim} {SID/SCD}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Book,%@copyholder} {}} array set optionTable2 [list {Book,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set defaultOptionTable {{Book,%@readpermission} {allow from all}} if {([info exists cgi(reviewprocess)] && \ [string equal {yes} $cgi(reviewprocess)]) || \ ([info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists secondaryType] && [regexp {MAN|NTC|PUD} $secondaryType])} { # publicação com INPE como editora e sem serieseditor - apropriado para MAN|NTC|PUD array set displayTable {{Book,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Book,%E} {0\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Book,%I} {0\ {} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Book,%C} {0\ {} {São José dos Campos} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Book,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Book,%@isbn} {0\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Book,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Book,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Book,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Book,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } # array set optionTable2 {{Book,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{MAN} {MAN}} {{MAN - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {MAN IPV}} {{MAN - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dissertação} {MAN SPG~IPV}} {{NTC} {NTC}} {{NTC - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {NTC IPV}} {{NTC - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dissertação} {NTC SPG~IPV}} {{PUD} {PUD}} {{PUD - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PUD IPV}} {{PUD - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dissertação} {PUD SPG~IPV}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Book,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{MAN} {MAN}} {{NTC} {NTC}} {{PUD} {PUD}}}} array set displayTable {{Book,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage if [info exists userGroup] { array set defaultOptionTable {{Book,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } if {[info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists advancedUser] && [lsearch $loginDosResponsaveisPelaAutorizacao $advancedUser] != -1} { array set displayTable {{Book,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Book,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarydate} {2.1\ {[Help SecondaryDate]} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate } else { array set displayTable {{Book,%D} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Book,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {150.163} {}}} ;# - readpermission } } else { # publicação com INPE como editora ou não e com serieseditor array set displayTable {{Book,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Book,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Book,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Book,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city # array set optionTable2 {{Book,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Livro Internacional} {LI}} {{Livro Internacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {LI IPV}} {{Livro Internacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {LI SPG~IPV}} {{Livro Nacional} {LN}} {{Livro Nacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {LN IPV}} {{Livro Nacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {LN SPG~IPV}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Book,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Livro Internacional} {LI}} {{Livro Nacional} {LN}}}} array set displayTable {{Book,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set boxTable {{Book,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 0}}} array set displayTable {{Book,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Book,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Book,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Book,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Book,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } array set displayTable {{Book,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Book,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Book,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Book,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book,%@readergroup} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup } # --------------------------------------------> Book Section array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Book Section} {20480000}} ;# 20000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Book Section} { application/force-download application/iopexport_bib application/msword application/octet-stream application/postscript application/pdf application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Book Section} {(*)}} array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Book Section} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Book Section} {no}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Book Section} {%D %A %T %B %K %X %@secondarykey %@isbn %I %C}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Book Section} {%@secondarykey %A %T %D %B %K %X %@isbn %I %C}} array set displayTable {{Book Section,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Book Section,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Book Section,%B} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - booktitle array set displayTable {{Book Section,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - editor # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Book Section,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Book Section,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Book Section,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Book Section,%P} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# pages - pages array set displayTable {{Book Section,%Y} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Book Section,%S} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Book Section,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Book Section,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Book Section,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Book Section,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor - translator array set displayTable {{Book Section,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISBN}}} ;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Book Section,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Book Section,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Book Section,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Book Section,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Book Section,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Book Section,%K} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Keywords]} {} {Palavras-Chave Controladas
(em Português e em Inglês)}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Book Section,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Book Section,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Book Section,%U} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Book Section,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Book Section,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@language} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {External Contribution} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@dissemination} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {Area do Conhecimento}}} ;# - area } else { array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@area} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area } # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@isbn} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@mark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark if {$manualFilling && [info exists publishingYear] && ![string equal {} $publishingYear]} { # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@resumeid} {4\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Book Section,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } else { array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@resumeid} {0\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@group} {0\ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable [list {Book Section,%@versiontype} [list 3\ $requiredFieldFlag {} {}]] ;# - versiontype - is hidden at update when repositoryContentType != {External Contribution} array set displayTable {{Book Section,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename array set displayTable {{Book Section,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Book Section,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Book Section,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set depositOptionTable {{Book Section} {enablecopytosource 1}} array set localCollectionPublisherTable {{Book Section} {INPE|Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais}} # array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Book Section,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} # array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 1} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 1} {{MGA} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 0} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 1} {{MGA} 0}}} ;# added by GJFB in 2011-06-10 # array set optionTable {{Book Section,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Book Section,%@area} $areaOption2] array set optionTable2 {{Book Section,%@copyholder} {{{não} {}} {{sim} {SID/SCD}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Book Section,%@copyholder} {}} array set optionTable2 [list {Book Section,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] # array set defaultOptionTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {allow from all}} array set defaultOptionTable [list {Book Section,%@readpermission} intranet] if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set actionTable [list {Book Section,%@area} $areaBasedAction] } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Book Section,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Book Section,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Book Section,%@group} $groupOption2] array set excludedSourceFieldNameTable {{Book Section} {%I %C}} # array set submissionDestinationTable {{Book Section,%@area} {CEA mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ COMB mtc-m17.sid.inpe.br/col/lcp.inpe.br/ignes/2004/ COMP mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ ETES mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ FISMAT mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ FISPLASMA mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ MET mtc-m15.sid.inpe.br/col/cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/ SRE mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/}} if {([info exists cgi(reviewprocess)] && \ [string equal {yes} $cgi(reviewprocess)]) || \ ([info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists secondaryType] && [regexp {PUD} $secondaryType])} { # publicação com autorização do INPE array set displayTable {{Book Section,%I} {0\ {} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Book Section,%C} {0\ {} {São José dos Campos} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@isbn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - isbn if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Book Section,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Book Section,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@doi} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi # array set optionTable2 {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{PUD} {PUD}} {{PUD - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PUD IPV}} {{PUD - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dissertação} {PUD SPG~IPV}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{PUD} {PUD}}}} array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage if [info exists userGroup] { array set defaultOptionTable {{Book Section,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } if {[info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists advancedUser] && [lsearch $loginDosResponsaveisPelaAutorizacao $advancedUser] != -1} { array set displayTable {{Book Section,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readergroup} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup } else { array set displayTable {{Book Section,%D} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {150.163} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {intranet} {}}} ;# - readpermission } } else { # publicação sem autorização do INPE array set displayTable {{Book Section,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Book Section,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 0}}} array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@isbn} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - isbn if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Book Section,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Book Section,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Book Section,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi # array set optionTable2 {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Capítulo em Livro Internacional} {PRE LI}} {{Capítulo em Livro Inter. - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE LI IPV}} {{Capítulo em Livro Inter. - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado a T/D} {PRE LI SPG~IPV}} {{Capítulo em Livro Nacional} {PRE LN}} {{Capítulo em Livro Nac. - Trababalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE LN IPV}} {{Capítulo em Livro Nac. - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado a T/D} {PRE LN SPG~IPV}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Capítulo em Livro Internacional} {PRE LI}} {{Capítulo em Livro Nacional} {PRE LN}}}} array set displayTable {{Book Section,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {intranet} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage } array set optionTable {{Book Section,%@versiontype} {{} {publisher} {finaldraft}}} # --------------------------------------------> Edited Book array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Edited Book} {51200000}} ;# 50000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Edited Book} { application/force-download application/iopexport_bib application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip image/gif image/jpeg image/png text/html text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Edited Book} {(*)}} array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Edited Book} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Edited Book} {no}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Edited Book} {%D %A %T %B %K %X %@secondarykey %@isbn %I %C}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Edited Book} {%@secondarykey %A %T %D %B %K %X %P %@isbn %I %C}} array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - editor # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - serieseditor # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%6} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%S} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - booktitle array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISBN}}} ;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%1} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - organization array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%K} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Keywords]} {} {Palavras-Chave Controladas
(em Português e em Inglês)}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%U} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {External Contribution} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@secondarytype} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@dissemination} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {Area do Conhecimento}}} ;# - area } else { array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@area} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area } # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn if {$manualFilling && [info exists publishingYear] && ![string equal {} $publishingYear]} { # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@resumeid} {4\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Edited Book,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } else { array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@resumeid} {0\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@group} {0\ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Edited Book,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename array set displayTable {{Edited Book,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Edited Book,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Edited Book,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set depositOptionTable {{Edited Book} {enablecopytosource 1}} array set localCollectionPublisherTable {{Edited Book} {INPE|Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais|AMS|American Meteorological Society}} # array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} # array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 1} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 1} {{MGA} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 0} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 1} {{MGA} 0}}} ;# added by GJFB in 2011-06-10 array set optionTable {{Edited Book,%S} {{} {Anais} {Anales} {Actas} {Proceedings} {Coletânea} {Memória Final} {Memórias} {Resumos Extendidos} {Extended Abstracts} {Resumos} {Resumenes} {Abstracts}}} # array set optionTable {{Edited Book,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Edited Book,%@area} $areaOption2] array set optionTable2 {{Edited Book,%@copyholder} {{{não} {}} {{sim} {SID/SCD}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Edited Book,%@copyholder} {}} array set optionTable2 [list {Edited Book,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set defaultOptionTable {{Edited Book,%@readpermission} {allow from all}} if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set actionTable [list {Edited Book,%@area} $areaBasedAction] } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Edited Book,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Edited Book,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Edited Book,%@group} $groupOption2] if {([info exists cgi(reviewprocess)] && \ [string equal {yes} $cgi(reviewprocess)]) || \ ([info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists secondaryType] && [regexp {PUD} $secondaryType])} { # publicação com autorização do INPE array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%I} {0\ {} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%C} {0\ {} {São José dos Campos} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@isbn} {0\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Edited Book,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Edited Book,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@doi} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%U} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) # array set optionTable2 {{Edited Book,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{PUD} {PUD}} {{PUD - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PUD IPV}} {{PUD - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dissertação} {PUD SPG~IPV}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Edited Book,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{PUD} {PUD}}}} array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage if [info exists userGroup] { array set defaultOptionTable {{Edited Book,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } if {[info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists advancedUser] && [lsearch $loginDosResponsaveisPelaAutorizacao $advancedUser] != -1} { array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@readergroup} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission } else { array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%D} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {150.163} {}}} ;# - readpermission } } else { # publicação sem autorização do INPE array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@contenttype} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 0}}} array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Edited Book,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Edited Book,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Edited Book,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%U} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) # array set optionTable2 {{Edited Book,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Livro Internacional} {LI}} {{Livro Internacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {LI IPV}} {{Livro Internacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {LI SPG~IPV}} {{Livro Nacional} {LN}} {{Livro Nacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {LN IPV}} {{Livro Nacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {LN SPG~IPV}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Edited Book,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Livro Internacional} {LI}} {{Livro Nacional} {LN}}}} array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@readergroup} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - documentstage } # --------------------------------------------> Newspaper array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Newspaper} {102400000}} ;# 100000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Newspaper} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/postscript application/pdf application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext image/pjpeg }} # array set depositOptionTable {{Newspaper} {deletedoccontentbeforeupdate 1}} # array set submitTargetFileOptionTable {{Newspaper} disable} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Newspaper} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Newspaper} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Newspaper} {no}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Newspaper} {%@secondarykey %A %T %C %@language %@format %D %8 %V %N %P %K %@area %@project %O}} array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%A} {1.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - editor array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {Título da Jornal}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%B} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%I} {0\ {} {INPE} {}}} ;# publisher array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%C} {0\ {} {São José dos Campos} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%8} {2.1\ {(*)[Help IssueDate]} {} {}}} ;# date - issuedate array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - alternateNewspaper array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%K} {2.1\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%X} {1.2\ {} {} {Editorial}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%U} {0\ {} {} {URL da Fonte}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@language} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {SID/SCD} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {Abrangência}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@format} {2.2\ {} {} {Formato da Fonte}}} ;# - 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permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Newspaper,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup if {[info exists update] && $update} { array set displayTable {{Newspaper,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename } else { array set displayTable {{Newspaper,filename} {1\ {(*)[Help FileName]} {} {}}};# - filename } array set displayTable {{Newspaper,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Newspaper,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } # array set optionTable [list {Newspaper,%@group} $groupOption] # array set optionTable2 [list {Newspaper,%@group} $groupOption2] # array set boxTable {{Newspaper,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Newspaper,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} array set boxTable {{Newspaper,%@format} {{{Papel (original)} 0} {{Papel (xerox)} 0} {{On-line} 0} {{Pen-drive} 0} {{CD-ROM} 0} {{DVD} 0}}} # array set optionTable2 {{Newspaper,%@dissemination} {{{} {}} {Interna Interna} {Local Local} {Regional Regional} {Nacional Nacional} {Internacional Internacional}}} # array set optionTable2 {{Newspaper,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {Jornal Jornal} {Revista Revista} {Rádio Rádio} {Telejornal Telejornal}}} # array set optionTable {{Newspaper,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} # array set optionTable2 [list {Newspaper,%@area} $areaOption2] # array set optionTable2 {{Newspaper,%@documentstage} {{{} {}} {cleo cleo} {jefferson jefferson} {Malu Malu} {marciana marciana} {marciana@sid.inpe.br marciana@sid.inpe.br} {simone simone}}} # array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} ;# CRI # array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} # --------------------------------------------> Newspaper Article array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Newspaper Article} {10240000}} ;# 100000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Newspaper Article} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/postscript application/pdf application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext image/pjpeg }} # array set depositOptionTable {{Newspaper Article} {deletedoccontentbeforeupdate 1}} # array set submitTargetFileOptionTable {{Newspaper Article} disable} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Newspaper Article} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Newspaper Article} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Newspaper Article} {no}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Newspaper Article} {%@secondarykey %A %T %B %@secondarytype %@dissemination %C %@language %@format %D %V %N %P %8 %K %U %E %@area %@project %O}} array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%A} {1.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - reporter array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%D} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {Título da Matéria}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%B} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {Título do Veículo}}} ;# secondarytitle - newspaper array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%E} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - source array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%I} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - number array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - pages array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%8} {2.1\ {(*)[Help IssueDate]} {} {}}} ;# date - 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secondarytype array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@dissemination} {3\ {} {} {Abrangência}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@format} {2.2\ {} {} {Formato da Fonte}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@area} {3\ {} {} {Area da Fonte}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@group} {0\ {[Help Group]} {} {Grupo da Fonte}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Affiliação da Fonte}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@readpermission} {2.1\ {[Help ReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup if {[info exists update] && $update} { array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename } else { array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,filename} {1\ {(*)[Help FileName]} {} {}}};# - filename } array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Newspaper Article,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Newspaper Article,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } # array set optionTable [list {Newspaper Article,%@group} $groupOption] # array set optionTable2 [list {Newspaper Article,%@group} $groupOption2] # array set boxTable {{Newspaper Article,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Newspaper Article,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} array set boxTable {{Newspaper Article,%@format} {{{Papel (original)} 0} {{Papel (xerox)} 0} {{On-line} 0} {{Pen-drive} 0} {{CD-ROM} 0} {{DVD} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Newspaper Article,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 1}}} array set optionTable2 {{Newspaper Article,%@dissemination} {{{} {}} {Interna Interna} {Local Local} {Regional Regional} {Nacional Nacional} {Internacional Internacional}}} array set optionTable2 {{Newspaper Article,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {Jornal Jornal} {Revista Revista} {Rádio Rádio} {Telejornal Telejornal}}} # array set optionTable {{Newspaper Article,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Newspaper Article,%@area} $areaOption2] # array set optionTable2 {{Newspaper Article,%@documentstage} {{{} {}} {cleo cleo} {jefferson jefferson} {Malu Malu} {marciana marciana} {marciana@sid.inpe.br marciana@sid.inpe.br} {simone simone}}} # array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper Article} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} ;# CRI array set postSubmissionProcessTable {{Newspaper Article} {iconet.com.br/banon/2005/}} # --------------------------------------------> Conference Proceedings array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Conference Proceedings} {20480000}} ;# 20000 KiB array set contentTypeTable { {Conference Proceedings} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/powerpoint application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/vnd.ms-pps application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext } } array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Conference Proceedings} {(*)}} ;# reference to the required field footnote (used by submit.tcl) array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Conference Proceedings} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {no}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Conference Proceedings} {%@secondarykey %A %T %D %B %8 %C %K %X %@isbn %@issn %E %I %J}} array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {Ano da Publicação}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%B} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - conferencename array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - editor array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - conferencelocation array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - pages array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%S} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - booktitle array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%8} {2.1\ {[Help Date]} {} {Data (AAAA-MM-DD)}}} ;# date - date array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%8} {2.1\ {} {} {Data do Evento}}} ;# date - date array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type (used to define theme for example) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%J} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - publisheraddress array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISBN/ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn - isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%1} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - organization array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%K} {2.1\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%U} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@language} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {External Contribution} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarytype} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@dissemination} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@format} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {Area do Conhecimento}}} ;# - area } else { array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@area} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area } array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@isbn} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@issn} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - issn array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@mark} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mark if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } if $manualFilling { # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@resumeid} {4\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Conference Proceedings,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } else { array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@resumeid} {0\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@group} {0\ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@readergroup} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@readpermission} {3\ {[Help INPEReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission - might be hidden dependending on archivingPolicy array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {not transfered} {}}} ;# - documentstage if {[info exists update] && $update} { # update array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set defaultOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@doi} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup if {[info exists size] && ![string equal {} $size]} { # set requiredFieldFlag {(*)} ;# commentado por GJFB em 2013-01-16 - não existe no momento sistema automático para definir o tipo de permissão de leitura com base na versão para artigos em evento (somente para artigo em revista) set requiredFieldFlag {} } else { set requiredFieldFlag {} } array set displayTable [list {Conference Proceedings,%@versiontype} [list 3\ $requiredFieldFlag {} {}]] ;# - versiontype - is hidden at update when repositoryContentType != {External Contribution} if {[info exists update] && $update} { array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@archivingpolicy} {4\ {} {} {}}} ;# - archivingpolicy - is hidden at update when repositoryContentType != {External Contribution} } array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set localCollectionPublisherTable {{Conference Proceedings} {INPE|Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais|AMS|American Meteorological Society}} array set updateOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {all}} # array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@dissemination} {{{COMPENDEX} 0} {{IEEEXplore} 0}}} # array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@format} {{{CD-ROM} 0} {{DVD} 0} {{On-line} 0} {{Papel} 0} {{Pen-drive} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@format} {{{CD-ROM} 0} {{DVD} 0} {{Impresso} 0} {{On-line} 0} {{Papel} 0} {{Pen-drive} 0}}} array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%S} {{} {Anais} {Anales} {Actas} {Proceedings} {Memória Final} {Memórias} {Resumos Extendidos} {Extended Abstracts} {Resumos} {Resumenes} {Abstracts} {Pôsteres} {Posters}}} # array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Conference Proceedings,%@area} $areaOption2] array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%@copyholder} {{{não} {}} {{sim} {SID/SCD}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@copyholder} {}} array set optionTable2 [list {Conference Proceedings,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set defaultOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@readpermission} {allow from all}} if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set actionTable [list {Conference Proceedings,%@area} $areaBasedAction] } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Conference Proceedings,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Conference Proceedings,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Conference Proceedings,%@group} $groupOption2] # array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Evento Internacional} {PRE CI}} {{Evento Internacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE CI IPV}} {{Evento Internacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {PRE CI SPG~IPV}} {{Evento Nacional} {PRE CN}} {{Evento Nacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE CN IPV}} {{Evento Nacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {PRE CN SPG~IPV}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Evento Internacional} {PRE CI}} {{Evento Nacional} {PRE CN}}}} array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype} {{} {Sessão Oral} {Oral Session} {Sessão Técnica Oral} {Oral Technical Session} {Sessão Pôster} {Poster Session} {Pôster} {Poster} {Pôsteres} {Posters} {Comité Temático} {Thematic Committee} {Exposição} {Exposicion} {Exhibition} {Comunicação} {Comunicações} {Communications} {Artigo} {Artigos} {Paper} {Papers} {Full Paper} {Resumo Estendido} {Extended Abstact} {Iniciação Científica} {Projeto}}} # array set optionTable2 {{Conference Proceedings,%@versiontype} {{{} {}} {{Publisher's Version} {publisher}} {{Final Draft Post-Refereeing} {finaldraft}}}} array set optionTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@versiontype} {{} {publisher} {finaldraft}}} # array set submissionDestinationTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@area} {CEA mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ COMB mtc-m17.sid.inpe.br/col/lcp.inpe.br/ignes/2004/ COMP mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ ETES mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ FISMAT mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ FISPLASMA mtc-m16.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2003/ MET mtc-m15.sid.inpe.br/col/cptec.inpe.br/walmeida/2003/ SRE mtc-m12.sid.inpe.br/col/sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/}} array set excludedSourceFieldNameTable {{Conference Proceedings} {%I %C}} # --------------------------------------------> Thesis # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Thesis} {122880000}} ;# 120000 KiB array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Thesis} {204800000}} ;# 200000 KiB array set allowDuplicateSubmissionTable {{Thesis} 0} ;# doesn't allow duplicate array set contentTypeTable {{Thesis} { application/force-download application/iopexport_bib application/msword application/octet-stream application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/x-tex application/zip application/pdf image/png text/plain }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Thesis} {(*)}} array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Thesis} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Thesis} {no}} # array set submitTargetFileOptionTable {{Thesis} disable} array set displayTable {{Thesis,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Thesis,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {Título no Idioma do Trabalho}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Thesis,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - academicdepartment array set displayTable {{Thesis,%E} {1.1\ {[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - committee # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%I} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - university # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%C} {0\ {} {São José dos Campos} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Thesis,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Thesis,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Thesis,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - number array set displayTable {{Thesis,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages # the line below must not be used when the supervisor field value (orientador(a)) is set as an attribute in secondaryauthor - committee # for example writing: Grimm, Alice Marlene (orientador) # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%Y} {1.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - supervisor array set displayTable {{Thesis,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Thesis,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Thesis,%8} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Date]} {} {Data da Defesa}}} ;# date # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%9} {3\ {} {} {Tipo de Tese ou Dissertação}}} ;# typeofwork - thesistype array set displayTable {{Thesis,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Thesis,%J} {2.1\ {(*)[Help INPEAlternateTitle]} {} {Título Traduzido}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Thesis,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Thesis,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Thesis,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 if [info exists cgi(templaterepository)] { array set displayTable {{Thesis,%3} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile } else { array set displayTable {{Thesis,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile } array set displayTable {{Thesis,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Thesis,%K} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Keywords]} {} {Palavras-Chave Controladas
(em Português e em Inglês)}}} ;# keywords - keywords # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Thesis,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Thesis,%U} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Thesis,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Thesis,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@language} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail pessoal para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@isbn} {0\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@group} {0\ {} {SPG} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@project} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# project - course array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Thesis,foldername} {1\ {[Help FolderName]} {} {}}} ;# - foldername (0 means to don't display foldername (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) # array set displayTable {{Thesis,filename} {x\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Thesis,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename array set displayTable {{Thesis,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Thesis,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Thesis,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set depositOptionTable {{Thesis} {enablecopytosource 1}} array set fieldValueFilterCommandTable {{Thesis,%8} {regsub {(..)/(..)/(....)} $fieldValue {\3-\2-\1} fieldValue}} # array set boxTable {{Thesis,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Thesis,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} # array set optionTable {{Thesis,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Thesis,%@area} $areaOption2] array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%@area} {}} array set optionTable2 {{Thesis,%@copyholder} {{{não} {}} {{sim} {SID/SCD}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%@copyholder} {}} array set optionTable2 [list {Thesis,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set defaultOptionTable [list {Thesis,%@readpermission} intranet] ;# com a opção "intranet" a permissão de leitura se torna por segurança "deny from all" quando o campo "year" não é preenchido (ver SetAccessPermission) if [info exists userGroup] { array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } if {([info exists cgi(reviewprocess)] && \ [string equal {yes} $cgi(reviewprocess)]) || \ ([info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists secondaryType] && [regexp {TDI} $secondaryType])} { # publicação com autorização do INPE # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Thesis,%9} {3\ {(*)} {} {Tipo de Tese ou Dissertação}}} ;# typeofwork - thesistype # RE/DIR-034.06 20/06/2012 + Inez para GESAST e GESATM array set optionTable2 {{Thesis,%9} { {} {{Cursos Atuais} { {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Astrofísica)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Astrofísica)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em C&T de Materiais e Sensores)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais e Sensores)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Combustão e Propulsão)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Combustão e Propulsão)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Computação Aplicada)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Computação Aplicada)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia e Gerenciamento de Sistemas Espaciais)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia e Gerenciamento de Sistemas Espaciais)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica Espacial)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica Espacial)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica Espacial/C. do Ambiente Solar-Terrestre)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica Espacial/Ciências do Ambiente Solar-Terrestre)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica Espacial/Ciências Atmosféricas)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica Espacial/Ciências Atmosféricas)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Mecânica Espacial e Controle)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Mecânica Espacial e Controle)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Meteorologia)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Meteorologia)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Sensoriamento Remoto)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Sensoriamento Remoto)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Astrofísica)} {Tese (Doutorado em Astrofísica)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em C&T de Materiais e Sensores)} {Tese (Doutorado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais e Sensores)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Combustão e Propulsão)} {Tese (Doutorado em Combustão e Propulsão)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Computação Aplicada)} {Tese (Doutorado em Computação Aplicada)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Ciência do Sistema Terrestre)} {Tese (Doutorado em Ciência do Sistema Terrestre)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia e Gerenciamento de Sistemas Espaciais)} {Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia e Gerenciamento de Sistemas Espaciais)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica Espacial)} {Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica Espacial)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica Espacial/C. do Ambiente Solar-Terrestre)} {Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica Espacial/Ciências do Ambiente Solar-Terrestre)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica Espacial/Ciências Atmosféricas)} {Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica Espacial/Ciências Atmosféricas)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Mecânica Espacial e Controle)} {Tese (Doutorado em Mecânica Espacial e Controle)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Meteorologia)} {Tese (Doutorado em Meteorologia)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Sensoriamento Remoto)} {Tese (Doutorado em Sensoriamento Remoto)}} }} {{Cursos Antigos} { {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Análise de Sistemas e Aplicações)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Análise de Sistemas e Aplicações)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Espacial)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Espacial)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Combustão e Propulsão)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Combustão e Propulsão)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Eletrônica e Telecomunicações)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Eletrônica e Telecomunicações)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica Espacial)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Geofísica Espacial)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Educacional)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Educacional)}} {{Dissertação (Mestrado em Sensores Remotos e Aplicações)} {Dissertação (Mestrado em Sensores Remotos e Aplicações)}} {{- -} {- -}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Espacial)} {Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Espacial)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica Espacial)} {Tese (Doutorado em Geofísica Espacial)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Propulsão e Combustão)} {Tese (Doutorado em Propulsão e Combustão)}} {{Tese (Doutorado em Sensores Remotos e Aplicações) } {Tese (Doutorado em Sensores Remotos e Aplicações)}} {{- -} {- -}} }} }} # {{Monografia de Conclusão de Curso (Espec. em SR e SIG)} {Monografia de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização em Sensoriamento Remoto e SIG)}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%9} {}} array set displayTable {{Thesis,%I} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# publisher - university array set optionTable2 {{Thesis,%I} {{{} {}} \ {{Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}}\ {{CRECTEALC - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)} {Centro Regional de Educação em Ciência e Tecnologia Espaciais para a América Latina e Caribe (CRECTEALC) - Campus Brasil - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)}}}} array set displayTable {{Thesis,%C} {0\ {} {São José dos Campos} {}}} ;# placepublished - city # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@group} {0\ {} {SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {}}} ;# - group # alteração feita por GJFB em 2013-04-25 (agora o URLibServiço aceita campo de default vazio no processo que usa a tabela: fillOutFieldTable) array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@group} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {TDI} {}}} ;# - secondarytype # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@copyright} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@project} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# project - course # array set optionTable {{Thesis,%@project} {{} {AST} {CAP} {CMC} {CMS} {GES} {MET} {PCP} {SER}}} # set optionTable(Thesis,%@project) { # {} # {{Cursos Atuais} {AST CAP CMC CMS CSE GES MET PCP SER}} # {{Cursos Antigos} {AG ANS CB CEA ECO EMA ETE MAT MO PLA RAS SDA TEC TED}} # } # set optionTable(Thesis,%@project) { # {} # {{Cursos Atuais} {AST CAP CMC CMS CSE CST GESAST GESATM MET PCP SER}} # {{Cursos Antigos} {AG ANS CB CEA ECO EMA ETE GES MAT MO PLA RAS SDA TEC TED}} # } # RE/DIR-034.06 20/06/2012 + Inez para GESAST e GESATM # curso área # AST CEA # CAP COMP # CMC ETES # CMS ETES # CSE ETES # CST CST # GES CEA # GESAST CEA # GESATM CEA # MET MET # PCP ETES # SER SRE # ano-defesa course (exemplo) group (exemplo) # 2012-2013 CAP-COMP-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR CAP-COMP-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR # 1992-2011 CAP-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR CAP-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR # 1971-1991 CAP-SPG-INPE-BR CAP-SPG-INPE-BR # tabela gerada por GJFB em 2013-04-25 array set optionTable2 {{Thesis,%@project} { {} {{Cursos Atuais - defesa a partir de 2012} { {AST AST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CAP CAP-COMP-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMC CMC-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMS CMS-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CSE CSE-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CST CST-CST-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GES GES-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESAST GESAST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESATM GESATM-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {MET MET-MET-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PCP PCP-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SER SER-SRE-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} }} {{Cursos Atuais - defesa entre 1992 e 2011} { {AST AST-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {CAP CAP-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {CMC CMC-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {CMS CMS-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {CSE CSE-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {GES GES-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {GESAST GESAST-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {GESATM GESATM-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {MET MET-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {PCP PCP-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} {SER SER-SPG-INPE-MCT-BR} }} {{Cursos Atuais - defesa entre 1971 e 1991} { {AST AST-SPG-INPE-BR} {CAP CAP-SPG-INPE-BR} {CMC CMC-SPG-INPE-BR} {GES GES-SPG-INPE-BR} {MET MET-SPG-INPE-BR} {PCP PCP-SPG-INPE-BR} {SER SER-SPG-INPE-BR} }} {{Cursos Antigos} { {AG AG} {ANS ANS} {CB CB} {CEA CEA} {ECO ECO} {EMA EMA} {ETE ETE} {GES GES} {MAT MAT} {MO MO} {PLA PLA} {RAS RAS} {SDA SDA} {TEC TEC} {TED TED} }} }} if 0 { # tabela anterior a 2013-04-25 array set optionTable2 {{Thesis,%@project} { {} {{Cursos Atuais} { {AST AST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CAP CAP-COMP-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMC CMC-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CMS CMS-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CSE CSE-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {CST CST-CST-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESAST GESAST-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {GESATM GESATM-CEA-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {MET MET-MET-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {PCP PCP-ETES-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {SER SER-SRE-SPG-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} }} {{Cursos Antigos} { {AG AG} {ANS ANS} {CB CB} {CEA CEA} {ECO ECO} {EMA EMA} {ETE ETE} {GES GES} {MAT MAT} {MO MO} {PLA PLA} {RAS RAS} {SDA SDA} {TEC TEC} {TED TED} }} }} } set courseGroupFillout {{} {}} for {set i 1} {$i < [expr [llength $optionTable2(Thesis,%@project)] - 1]} {incr i} { foreach course [lindex $optionTable2(Thesis,%@project) $i 1] { lappend courseGroupFillout {} [lindex $course 1] } } foreach course [lindex $optionTable2(Thesis,%@project) end 1] { lappend courseGroupFillout {} SPG-INPE-BR ;# information is missing to include MCT } if $manualFilling { # array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Thesis,%@project,%@group} $courseGroupFillout] ;# commented by GJFB in 2013-07-19 in order to allow automatic filling when input type number is zero (conditional filling has priority over automatic filling) array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Thesis,%@project,%@group} $courseGroupFillout] ;# added by GJFB in 2013-10-14 because not all authors are known and group must be equal to course } array set defaultOptionTable {{Thesis,%@project} {}} array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype if {[info exists update] && $update} { # update if {[info exists advancedUser] && [lsearch $loginDosResponsaveisPelaAutorizacao $advancedUser] != -1} { array set displayTable {{Thesis,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {Ano de Publicação}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarydate} {2.1\ {[Help SecondaryDate]} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate } else { array set displayTable {{Thesis,%D} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {150.163} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission } } else { # submit array set displayTable {{Thesis,%D} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {150.163} {}}} ;# - readpermission } if {[info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists advancedUser] && [lsearch $loginDosResponsaveisPeloAbstract $advancedUser] != -1} { array set displayTable {{Thesis,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract } else { array set displayTable {{Thesis,%X} {0\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract } if {[info exists advancedUser] && [lsearch $loginDosResponsaveisPeloAbstract $advancedUser] != -1} { # use the default which is {all} } else { array set updateOptionTable {{Thesis} {update {remove before update}}} } # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {NTRSNASA; BNDEPOSITOLEGAL.} {}}} ;# - dissemination # the command below was added by GJFB in 2011-06-10 array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {BNDEPOSITOLEGAL.} {}}} ;# - dissemination } else { # publicação sem autorização do INPE # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%8} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Date]} {} {Data da Defesa}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Thesis,%9} {3\ {(*)} {} {Tipo de Tese ou Dissertação}}} ;# typeofwork - thesistype array set optionTable {{Thesis,%9} {{} {Dissertação de Mestrado} {Tese de Doutorado} {Masters Thesis} {PhD Thesis}}} array set displayTable {{Thesis,%I} {2.1\ {(*)[Help University]} {} {}}} ;# publisher - university array set displayTable {{Thesis,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Thesis,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@group} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - group if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@resumeid} {4\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Thesis,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@affiliation} {2.1 \ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Thesis,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] array set optionTable2 [list {Thesis,%@group} $groupOption2] } array set displayTable {{Thesis,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {TAE} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {External Contribution} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Curso de Pós-Gradução}}} ;# project - course array set displayTable {{Thesis,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {Ano de Publicação}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination } # --------------------------------------------> Report # array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Report} {81920000}} ;# 80000 KiB array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Report} {153600000}} ;# 150000 KiB - por GJFB à pedido do André array set contentTypeTable {{Report} { application/force-download application/iopexport_bib application/msword application/octet-stream application/postscript application/pdf application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip image/jpeg image/png text/html text/plain text/richtext text/x-tex }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Report} {(*)}} array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Report} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Report} {no}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Report} {%D %A %T %B %K %X %@}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Report} {%@ %A %T %D %B %K %X}} array set displayTable {{Report,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author # array set displayTable {{Report,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Report,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Report,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle array set displayTable {{Report,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Report,%I} {0\ {} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais} {}}} ;# publisher - institution array set displayTable {{Report,%C} {0\ {} {São José dos Campos} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Report,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Report,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Report,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Report,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Report,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Report,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Report,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Report,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Report,%9} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Report,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Report,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Report,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn - reportnumber array set displayTable {{Report,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Report,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Report,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 array set displayTable {{Report,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Report,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Report,%K} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Keywords]} {} {Palavras-Chave Controladas
(em Português e em Inglês)}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Report,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Report,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Report,%U} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Report,%(} {2.1\ {[Help PreviousEdition]} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Report,%)} {2.1\ {[Help NextEdition]} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Report,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Report,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Report,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Report,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Report,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey # array set displayTable {{Report,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Report,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype # array set displayTable {{Report,%@dissemination} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Report,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Report,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {Area do Conhecimento}}} ;# - area } else { array set displayTable {{Report,%@area} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area } # array set displayTable {{Report,%@mark} {0\ {} {work-in-progress} {}}} ;# - mark if {$manualFilling && [info exists publishingYear] && ![string equal {} $publishingYear]} { # array set displayTable {{Report,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Report,%@resumeid} {4\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Report,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Report,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } else { array set displayTable {{Report,%@resumeid} {0\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Report,%@group} {0\ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Report,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } array set displayTable {{Report,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Report,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Report,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate # array set displayTable {{Report,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission # array set displayTable {{Report,%@visibility} {3\ {} {} {Nível de segurança}}} ;# - visibility array set displayTable {{Report,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Report,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Report,foldername} {1\ {[Help FolderName]} {} {}}} ;# - foldername (0 means to don't display foldername (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Report,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename array set displayTable {{Report,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Report,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Report,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set depositOptionTable {{Report} {enablecopytosource 1}} array set optionTable2 [list {Report,%@area} $areaOption2] array set optionTable2 {{Report,%@copyholder} {{{não} {}} {{sim} {SID/SCD}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%@copyholder} {}} array set optionTable2 [list {Report,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set defaultOptionTable [list {Report,%@readpermission} intranet] if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Report,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] # array set actionTable [list {Report,%@area} $areaBasedAction] } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Report,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Report,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Report,%@group} $groupOption2] array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%@area} {}} # array set boxTable {{Report,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Report,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} if [info exists userGroup] { array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } if {([info exists cgi(reviewprocess)] && \ [string equal {yes} $cgi(reviewprocess)]) || \ ([info exists update] && $update && \ (![info exists secondaryType] || ![regexp {TAE} $secondaryType]))} { # publicação com autorização do INPE if {[info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists advancedUser] && [lsearch $loginDosResponsaveisPelaAutorizacao $advancedUser] != -1} { array set displayTable {{Report,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Report,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Report,%@secondarydate} {2.1\ {[Help SecondaryDate]} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Report,%@visibility} {3\ {} {} {Nível de segurança}}} ;# - visibility array set optionTable2 {{Report,%@visibility} {{{} {shown}} {{busca restrita} {hidden}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%@visibility} {shown}} } else { array set displayTable {{Report,%D} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Report,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {150.163} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Report,%@visibility} {0\ {} {} {Nível de segurança}}} ;# - visibility } array set displayTable {{Report,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Report,%@dissemination} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Report,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Report,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Report,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Report,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } array set displayTable {{Report,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype # array set displayTable {{Report,%@copyright} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set optionTable2 {{Report,%9} {{{} {}} {{PRP (Projeto e Convênio)} {PRP}} {{RPQ (Relatório de Pesquisa)} {RPQ}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%9} {}} # array set optionTable2 {{Report,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {IPV}}}} # array set boxTable {{Report,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 1} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 0} {{MGA} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Report,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 0} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 1} {{MGA} 0}}} ;# added by GJFB in 2011-06-10 } else { # publicação sem autorização do INPE (TAE) array set displayTable {{Report,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Report,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - institution array set displayTable {{Report,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Report,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {TAE} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Report,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Report,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Report,%@visibility} {0\ {} {} {Nível de segurança}}} ;# - visibility array set displayTable {{Report,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {External Contribution} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Report,%@copyright} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set optionTable {{Report,%9} {{} {Manual} {Relatório} {Nota Técnica}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Report,%9} {}} array set boxTable {{Report,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 0} {{MGA} 0}}} array set defaultOptionTable [list {Report,%@readpermission} {}] # if [info exists copyrightRepository] { # array set optionTable2 [list {Report,%@copyright} [CreateOptionListForCopyright $copyrightRepository]] ;# time consuming # } } # array set optionTable2 {{Report,%@mark} {{{em andamento} {work-in-progress}} {{concluido} {published}}}} # --------------------------------------------> Image array set displayTable {{Image,%I} {2.1\ {} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais} {}}} ;# publisher - credit array set displayTable {{Image,%V} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - collection array set displayTable {{Image,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set optionTable2 {{Image,%V} {{{} {}} {{Antenas} {Antenas}} {{Barreira do Inferno} {Barreira do Inferno}} {{Comemorações} {Comemorações}} {{Diretores} {Diretores}} {{Entrevistas} {Entrevistas}} {{Eventos} {Eventos}} {{Instalações} {Instalações}} {{Instrumentos Científicos} {Instrumentos Científicos}} {{Projetos} {Projetos}} {{Satélites} {Satélites}} {{Visitas} {Visitas}} {{Para identificar} {Para identificar}}}} array set boxTable {{Image,%@contenttype} {{{External Contribution} 0}}} # --------------------------------------------> Audiovisual Material array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Audiovisual Material} {102400000}} ;# 100000 KiB array set contentTypeTable { {Audiovisual Material} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/powerpoint application/rar application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/vnd.ms-pps application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext } } array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Audiovisual Material} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Audiovisual Material} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Audiovisual Material} {yes}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Audiovisual Material} {%D %A %T %B %C %8 %K %X}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Audiovisual Material} {%A %T %D %B %C %8 %K %X}} array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%B} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - conferencename array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%I} {0\ {} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {Conference Location}}} ;# placepublished - conferencelocation array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofslides array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%8} {2.1\ {[Help Date]} {} {Data (AAAA-MM-DD)}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%J} {0\ {} {São José dos Campos} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - publisheraddress array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@} {0\ {} {} {ISSN}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - lineage array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%K} {2.1\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@language} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@format} {0\ {} {On-line} {}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {Area do Conhecimento}}} ;# - area # array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@resumeid} {4\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Audiovisual Material,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } else { array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@area} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@resumeid} {0\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@group} {0\ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@visibility} {3\ {} {} {Nível de segurança}}} ;# - visibility array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename #array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,filename} {x\ {(*)(\[incr footnoteNumber\])[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - filename (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Audiovisual Material,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Audiovisual Material,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Audiovisual Material,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Audiovisual Material,%@group} $groupOption2] # array set boxTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Audiovisual Material,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} # array set optionTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Audiovisual Material,%@area} $areaOption2] array set optionTable2 [list {Audiovisual Material,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set defaultOptionTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@readpermission} {allow from all}} array set optionTable2 {{Audiovisual Material,%@visibility} {{{} {shown}} {{busca restrita} {hidden}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@visibility} {shown}} # --------------------------------------------> Film or Broadcast array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Film or Broadcast} {409600000}} ;# 400000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Film or Broadcast} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/postscript application/pdf application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip application/vnd.ms-powerpoint text/html text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Film or Broadcast} {(*)}} array set requiredFieldAtCloseFootnoteTable {{Film or Broadcast} {(+)}} array set searchOptionTable {{Film or Broadcast} {yes}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Film or Broadcast} {%D %A %T %B %C %8 %K %X}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Film or Broadcast} {%A %T %J %D %B %8 %K %X %Y %? %1 %I %C %@format}} array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - director array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {Ano}}} ;# year - yearreleased array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - seriesdirector array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {Distribuição}}} ;# publisher - distributor array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - country array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - runningtime array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%Y} {1.1\ {} {} {Produção}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - producer array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%8} {0\ {[Help Date]} {} {Data (AAAA-MM-DD)}}} ;# date - datereleased array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - medium array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%?} {1.1\ {} {} {Fotografia}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor - photographer array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%J} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%1} {1.1\ {} {} {Outros Créditos}}} ;# custom1 - cast array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%3} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%K} {2.1\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo}}} ;# abstract - synopsis array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@language} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@format} {1.1\ {} {} {Materias}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@area} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable [list {Film or Broadcast,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@visibility} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - visibility array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {not transfered} {}}} ;# - documentstage if {[info exists update] && $update} { # update array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@documentstage,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set defaultOptionTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@documentstage,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@progress} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - progress array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@sponsor} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - sponsor array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@mirrorrepository} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - mirrorrepository array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Film or Broadcast,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Film or Broadcast,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Film or Broadcast,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Film or Broadcast,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Film or Broadcast,%@group} $groupOption2] # array set boxTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Film or Broadcast,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} # array set optionTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Film or Broadcast,%@area} $areaOption2] array set optionTable2 [list {Film or Broadcast,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set defaultOptionTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@readpermission} {allow from all}} array set optionTable2 {{Film or Broadcast,%@visibility} {{{} {shown}} {{busca restrita} {hidden}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Film or Broadcast,%@visibility} {shown}} # --------------------------------------------> Computer Program array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Computer Program} {112640000}} ;# 110000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Computer Program} { application/force-download application/iopexport_bib application/msword application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/rar application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-rar application/x-rar-compressed application/x-tcl application/x-tex application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/xml text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Computer Program} {(*)}} array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Computer Program} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Computer Program} {no}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Computer Program} {%D %A %T %C %K %X %@secondarykey}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Computer Program} {%A %T %D %C %K %X %@secondarykey}} array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - programmer array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%I} {1.1\ {} {Deposited in the URLib collection.} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%C} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%P} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%7} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - version array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork - type array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%1} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - computer array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%K} {2.1\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%X} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%U} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {Area do Conhecimento}}} ;# - area # array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@resumeid} {4\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Computer Program,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } else { array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@area} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@resumeid} {0\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@group} {0\ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@readergroup} {1.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@documentstage} {3\ {} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup if {[info exists update] && $update} { array set displayTable {{Computer Program,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename } else { array set displayTable {{Computer Program,filename} {1\ {(*)[Help FileName]} {} {File Name
(attach here your file)}}} ;# - filename } array set displayTable {{Computer Program,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Computer Program,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Computer Program,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set updateOptionTable {{Computer Program} {all}} ;# esta linha é facultativa já que a opção all é o default array set depositOptionTable {{Computer Program} {enablecopytosource 1}} # array set boxTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} # array set optionTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {Português}} array set boxTable {{Computer Program,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} if [info exists userGroup] { array set defaultOptionTable {{Computer Program,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } array set optionTable2 [list {Computer Program,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set defaultOptionTable {{Computer Program,%@readpermission} {allow from all}} # array set optionTable {{Computer Program,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Computer Program,%@area} $areaOption2] if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Computer Program,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] # array set actionTable [list {Computer Program,%@area} $areaBasedAction] } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Computer Program,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Computer Program,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Computer Program,%@group} $groupOption2] array set defaultOptionTable {{Computer Program,%@area} {}} # --------------------------------------------> Patent array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Patent} {5120000}} ;# 5000 KiB array set contentTypeTable {{Patent} { application/force-download application/msword application/octet-stream application/postscript application/pdf application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/x-zip application/x-zip-compressed application/zip text/html text/plain text/richtext }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Patent} {(*)}} array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Patent} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Patent} {yes}} # array set orderingFieldTable {{Patent} {%D %A %T %C %K %X %@secondarykey}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Patent} {%A %T %D %C %K %X %@secondarykey}} array set displayTable {{Patent,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Patent,%D} {2.1\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Patent,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Patent,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - pubsource array set displayTable {{Patent,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Patent,%I} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - assignee array set displayTable {{Patent,%C} {2.1\ {} {Brasil} {}}} ;# placepublished - country array set displayTable {{Patent,%V} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume array set displayTable {{Patent,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Patent,%N} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - issue array set displayTable {{Patent,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages array set displayTable {{Patent,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Patent,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Patent,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Patent,%8} {2.1\ {[Help Date]} {} {Data (AAAA-MM-DD)}}} ;# date array set displayTable {{Patent,%9} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# typeofwork array set displayTable {{Patent,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Patent,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Patent,%@} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn - patentnumber array set displayTable {{Patent,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber - callnumber array set displayTable {{Patent,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Patent,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - organization array set displayTable {{Patent,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Patent,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Patent,%K} {2.1\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Patent,%X} {1.2\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Patent,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Patent,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Patent,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Patent,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Patent,%@language} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Patent,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Patent,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Patent,%@e-mailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {INOVA} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Patent,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate array set displayTable {{Patent,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable [list {Patent,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Patent,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation array set displayTable {{Patent,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Patent,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Patent,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Patent,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Patent,%@documentstage} {0\ {} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage array set displayTable {{Patent,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup # array set displayTable {{Patent,filename} {x\ {(*)[Help FileName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Patent,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename array set displayTable {{Patent,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Patent,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Patent,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set optionTable2 [list {Patent,%@area} $areaOption2] if {![info exists update] || !$update} { # array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Patent,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] # array set actionTable [list {Patent,%@area} $areaBasedAction] } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Patent,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Patent,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Patent,%@group} $groupOption2] array set defaultOptionTable {{Patent,%@area} {}} # array set boxTable {{Patent,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Patent,%@language} {{{pt} 0} {{es} 0} {{fr} 0} {{en} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Patent,%@copyholder} {{{não} {}} {{sim} {SID/SCD}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Patent,%@copyholder} {}} array set optionTable2 [list {Patent,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] array set defaultOptionTable {{Patent,%@readpermission} {allow from all}} # --------------------------------------------> Electronic Source array set maximumFileSizeTable {{Electronic Source} {51200000}} ;# 50000 KiB # array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {624\\1(INPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate)\\2}} ;# 624 is the place of the header first character in order to have this header almost centralized # array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {INPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate}} array set headerTable {{Electronic Source} {%5Chref%7Bhttp://urlib.net/$repName%7D%7BINPE ePrint: $repName $version $versionDate%7D}} array set orderingFieldTable {{Electronic Source} {%A %T %D %K %X %@language %B %@secondarytype %1 %)}} array set contentTypeTable {{Electronic Source} { application/download application/force-download application/octet-stream application/pdf }} array set requiredFieldFootnoteTable {{Electronic Source} {(*)}} # array set initialFootnoteNumberTable {{Electronic Source} {2}} array set searchOptionTable {{Electronic Source} {yes}} array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%A} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Name]} {} {}}} ;# author - author array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%D} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%T} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Title]} {} {}}} ;# title - title array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {Publicação Alternativa (Revista/Evento/Livro)}}} ;# secondarytitle - alternatepublication array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%E} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%I} {0\ {} {Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais} {}}} ;# publisher - producer array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%C} {0\ {} {São José dos Campos} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - accessyear array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%N} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# number - accessdate array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%P} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date - lastupdatedate array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%9} {0\ {} {On-line} {}}} ;# typeofwork - typeofmedium array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# isbn/issn array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%L} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# callnumber array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%M} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# accessionnumber array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%1} {3\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - stageofalternatepublication array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%3} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile (if headerTable exists then this field must be invisible) array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%F} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# label - label array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%K} {2.1\ {(*)[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%X} {1.2\ {(*)[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%(} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%)} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@parentrepositories} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - parentrepositories array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@language} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@copyholder} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@e-mailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail para contato}}} ;# - e-mailaddress array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@secondarykey} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@secondarytype} {3\ {} {} {Tipo da Publicação Alternativa}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@secondarydate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarydate if $manualFilling { array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@area} {3\ {(*)} {} {Area do Conhecimento}}} ;# - area # array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@resumeid} {2.1\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@resumeid} {5\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable [list {Electronic Source,%@group} [list $inputTypeNumber \ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}]] ;# - group array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@affiliation} {2.1\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } else { array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@area} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - area array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@resumeid} {0\ {} {} {Identificador de Curriculo}}} ;# - resumeid array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@group} {0\ {[Help INPEGroup]} {} {Grupo (se o [CreateOrdinalNumber $language $i] $translatedCustomizedFieldName for do INPE)}}} ;# - group array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@affiliation} {0\ {[Help Affiliation]} {} {Instituição}}} ;# - affiliation } array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@electronicmailaddress} {2.1\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@project} {2.1\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@accessdate} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - accessdate array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@readpermission} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission if {[info exists publishingYear] && $publishingYear >= 2014} { set {displayTable(Electronic Source,%@tertiarymark)} [list $inputTypeNumberForTertiaryMark\ {} {} {Vinculação à T&D}] ;# - tertiarymark set {optionTable2(Electronic Source,%@tertiarymark)} $thesisList } else { array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@tertiarymark} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarymark array set boxTable {{Electronic Source,%@tertiarymark} {{{Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} 0}}} } if $manualFilling { array set fillOutFieldTable [list {Electronic Source,%@group,%@affiliation} $groupAffiliationFillout] } #array set optionTable [list {Electronic Source,%@group} $groupOption] array set optionTable2 [list {Electronic Source,%@group} $groupOption2] if {[info exists update] && $update} { if {[info exists publishingYear] && ![string equal {} $publishingYear]} { array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@documentstage} {3\ {[Help DocumentStage]} {} {Transfer update
permission to:}}} ;# - documentstage if [info exists userGroup] { array set defaultOptionTable {{Electronic Source,%@documentstage} {not transfered}} } else { if [info exists advancedUser] {set {defaultOptionTable(Electronic Source,%@documentstage)} $advancedUser} } } } array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%@usergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - usergroup if 0 { # use default if {[info exists update] && $update} { # update if {![info exists publishingYear] || [string equal {} $publishingYear]} { array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,filename} {1\ {[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) } else { # published array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,filename} {4\ {->} {} {Documento}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) } } else { # submit array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,filename} {1\ {(*)[Help FileName]} {} {}}} ;# - filename (0 means to don't display filename (if cgi(attachment) doesn't exist)) } } array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,username} {1\ {(*)[Help UserName]} {} {x}}} ;# - (1 means display username - 0 means do not display) (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,password1} {x\ {(*)} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,password2} {x\ {[Help Password2]} {} {x}}} ;# - (x means not used) if {[info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists advancedUser] && [regexp $equipeDoSID $advancedUser]} { array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year array set displayTable {{Electronic Source,%)} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition array set optionTable2 {{Electronic Source,%1} {{{} {}} {{não submetido} {not submitted}} {{submetido} {submitted}} {{aceito} {accepted}} {{publicado} {published}}}} } else { array set updateOptionTable {{Electronic Source} {update}} array set optionTable2 {{Electronic Source,%1} {{{} {}} {{não submetido} {not submitted}} {{submetido} {submitted}} {{aceito} {accepted}}}} } array set defaultOptionTable {{Electronic Source,%1} {}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Electronic Source,%9} {}} #array set optionTable {{Electronic Source,%@area} {{} {CEA} {COMB} {COMP} {ETES} {FISMAT} {FISPLASMA} {INFO} {MET} {SRE}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Electronic Source,%@area} $areaOption2] # array set optionTable2 {{Electronic Source,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Revista Internacional} {PRE PI}} {{Revista Internacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE PI IPV}} {{Revista Internacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {PRE PI SPG~IPV}} {{Revista Nacional} {PRE PN}} {{Revista Nacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE PN IPV}} {{Revista Nacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {PRE PN SPG~IPV}} {{Evento Internacional} {PRE CI}} {{Evento Internacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE CI IPV}} {{Evento Internacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {PRE CI SPG~IPV}} {{Evento Nacional} {PRE CN}} {{Evento Nacional - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE CN IPV}} {{Evento Nacional - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado à Tese/Dis.} {PRE CN SPG~IPV}} {{Capítulo em Livro Internacional} {PRE LI}} {{Capítulo em Livro Inter. - Trabalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE LI IPV}} {{Capítulo em Livro Inter. - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado a T/D} {PRE LI SPG~IPV}} {{Capítulo em Livro Nacional} {PRE LN}} {{Capítulo em Livro Nac. - Trababalho Vinculado à Tese/Dissertação} {PRE LN IPV}} {{Capítulo em Livro Nac. - Trab. de Aluno Não Relacionado a T/D} {PRE LN SPG~IPV}}}} array set optionTable2 {{Electronic Source,%@secondarytype} {{{} {}} {{Revista Internacional} {PRE PI}} {{Revista Nacional} {PRE PN}} {{Evento Internacional} {PRE CI}} {{Evento Nacional} {PRE CN}} {{Capítulo em Livro Internacional} {PRE LI}} {{Capítulo em Livro Nacional} {PRE LN}}}} array set defaultOptionTable {{Electronic Source,%@area} {}} # array set boxTable {{Electronic Source,%@language} {{{Portuguese} 0} {{Spanish} 0} {{French} 0} {{English} 0}}} array set optionTable2 {{Electronic Source,%@language} {{{} {}} {{Português} {pt}} {{Espanhol} {es}} {{Francês} {fr}} {{Inglês} {en}}}} array set optionTable2 [list {Electronic Source,%@readpermission} [list {{acesso livre} {allow from all}} [list {restrita ao INPE} intranet] {{restrita ao login} {deny from all}}]] # array set optionTable {{Electronic Source,%@language} {{English} {French} {Portuguese} {Spanish}}} # array set defaultOptionTable {{Electronic Source,%@language} {Português}} # --------------------------------------------> Misc # --------------------------------------------> Restricted options # set amandinha_ctaComputerList {} # set supervisorComputerList {} # set supervisorComputerList {} ;# yolanda computer ip # set supervisorComputerList {} ;# computer ip set supervisorComputerList {} ;# luis.cpv@hotmail.com computer ip (ver REMOTE_ADDR) # set supervisorComputerList {} # set supervisorComputerList {} # set supervisorLogin yolanda # set supervisorLogin amandinha_cta@hotmail.com set supervisorLogin luis.cpv@hotmail.com if [AllowedRemoteAddress $supervisorComputerList] { array set displayTable {{Thesis,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes } if {[info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists advancedUser] && \ ![string equal $supervisorLogin $advancedUser]} { if [AllowedRemoteAddress $supervisorComputerList] { array set updatePolicyTable {{Thesis} 1} ;# update by the supervisor array set alternateUserTable {{Thesis} supervisor} # update only the notes field content array set excludedFieldListTable {{Thesis} 0} ;# keep } else { # update every fields except the notes field content array set excludedFieldListTable {{Thesis} 1} ;# exclude } array set fieldListForSelectiveUpdateTable {{Thesis} {%O}} set testOutOfDateForm(Thesis) 0 } # ingest actors if {([info exists cgi(ingestactor)] && \ [string equal {librarian} $cgi(ingestactor)]) || \ ([info exists update] && $update && \ [info exists advancedUser] && [regexp $equipeDoSID $advancedUser])} { # librarian or advanced user is from SID at update array set searchOptionTable {{Journal Article} {yes}} array set searchOptionTable {{Book} {yes}} array set searchOptionTable {{Book Section} {yes}} # array set searchOptionTable {{Edited Book} {yes}} array set searchOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {yes}} array set searchOptionTable {{Thesis} {yes}} array set searchOptionTable {{Report} {yes}} # array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year # array set displayTable {{Book,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year # array set displayTable {{Report,%D} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# year - year # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%8} {2.1\ {[Help Date]} {} {Data da Defesa}}} ;# date # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%3} {2.1\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes # array set displayTable {{Book,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Book Section,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes # array set displayTable {{Thesis,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Report,%O} {1.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Book,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Book Section,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) if [lindex ${displayTable(Edited Book,%U)} 0] { array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) } array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) # array set displayTable {{Report,%U} {2.1d\ {} {} {}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) if {[info exists secondaryType] && [regexp {TDI} $secondaryType]} { # publicação com autorização do INPE array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@dissemination} {2.2\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination # array set boxTable {{Thesis,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 1} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 1} {{MGA} 0}}} array set boxTable {{Thesis,%@dissemination} {{{NTRSNASA} 0} {{BNDEPOSITOLEGAL} 0} {{MGA} 0} {{BINAGRI} 0}}} ;# added by GJFB in 2011-06-10 - updated in 2012-04-03 } if {[info exists update] && $update} { ## update - deixar na atualização o campo secondarykey vazio quando não preenchido # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey - TDI TAE array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Misc,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarykey } else { # submit # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--PRE/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--PRE/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--T/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey - TDI TAE array set displayTable {{Audiovisual Material,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--MAO/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Computer Program,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Patent,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey array set displayTable {{Misc,%@secondarykey} {2.1\ {} {INPE--/} {}}} ;# - secondarykey } array set displayTable {{Report,%@} {2.1\ {} {INPE--/} {}}} ;# isbn/issn - reportnumber # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@issn} {1.1\ {[Help ISSN]} {} {}}} ;# - issn # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@isbn} {1.1\ {[Help ISBN]} {} {}}} ;# - isbn # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@issn} {1.1\ {[Help ISSN]} {} {}}} ;# - issn array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@copyholder} {3\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Book,%@copyholder} {3\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@copyholder} {3\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Edited Book,%@copyholder} {3\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@copyholder} {3\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Thesis,%@copyholder} {3\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Report,%@copyholder} {3\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Patent,%@copyholder} {3\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder array set displayTable {{Misc,%@copyholder} {3\ {} {} {O SID Possui uma Cópia Impressa?}}} ;# - copyholder # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {3\ {(*)} {} {Circulação}}} ;# - secondarytype } else { # simplifying the form for the author array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%8} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# date - month array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%K} {0\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%X} {0\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@language} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%U} {0\ {} {} {Endereço Web do Documento}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@project} {0\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project # array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@secondarytype} {3\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%3} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@readergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@copyright} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Journal Article,%F} {0\ {} {self-archiving-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {}}} ;# label - label array set updateOptionTable {{Journal Article} {update}} array set targetFileCheckBoxFlagTable {{Journal Article} 0} set displayTable(Book,%@shorttitle) {0 {} {} {}} set displayTable(Book,%@rightsholder) {0 {} {} {}} array set displayTable {{Book,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Book,%6} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# numberofvolumes - numberofvolumes array set displayTable {{Book,%P} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - numberofpages array set displayTable {{Book,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Book,%?} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# subsidiaryauthor - translator # array set displayTable {{Book,%3} {0\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Book,%K} {0\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Book,%X} {0\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Book,%O} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# notes - notes array set displayTable {{Book,%B} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Book,%E} {0\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Book,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Book,%@doi} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Book,%(} {0\ {[Help PreviousEdition]} {} {}}} ;# previousedition - previousedition array set displayTable {{Book,%)} {0\ {[Help NextEdition]} {} {}}} ;# nextedition - nextedition # array set displayTable {{Book,%@language} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language # array set displayTable {{Book,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Book,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Book,%U} {0\ {} {} {Endereço Web do Documento}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Book,%@project} {0\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Book,%@readergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Book,%@copyright} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set displayTable {{Book,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Book,%F} {0\ {} {self-archiving-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {}}} ;# label - label array set updateOptionTable {{Book} {update}} array set targetFileCheckBoxFlagTable {{Book} 0} set {displayTable(Book Section,%@shorttitle)} {0 {} {} {}} set {displayTable(Book Section,%@rightsholder)} {0 {} {} {}} array set displayTable {{Book Section,%E} {0\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - editor array set displayTable {{Book Section,%B} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# secondarytitle - booktitle array set displayTable {{Book Section,%P} {2.1\ {} {} {}}} ;# pages - pages array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@isbn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Book Section,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume array set displayTable {{Book Section,%7} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# edition - edition array set displayTable {{Book Section,%3} {0\ {[Help TargetFile]} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Book Section,%K} {0\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Book Section,%X} {0\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract array set displayTable {{Book Section,%I} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Book Section,%C} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - city array set displayTable {{Book Section,%Y} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiaryauthor - serieseditor array set displayTable {{Book Section,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - seriestitle array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@doi} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@language} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@secondarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Book Section,%U} {0\ {} {} {Endereço Web do Documento}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@project} {0\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@copyright} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright # array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@readpermission} {0\ {} {intranet} {}}} ;# - readpermission array set displayTable {{Book Section,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress array set displayTable {{Book Section,%F} {0\ {} {self-archiving-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {}}} ;# label - label array set updateOptionTable {{Book Section} {update}} array set targetFileCheckBoxFlagTable {{Book Section} 0} array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%E} {0\ {[Help Name %E]} {} {}}} ;# secondaryauthor - editor array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%I} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# publisher - publisher array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%J} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# alternatetitle - publisheraddress array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@isbn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - isbn array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@issn} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - issn array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%K} {0\ {[Help Keywords]} {} {}}} ;# keywords - keywords array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%X} {0\ {[Help Abstract]} {} {Resumo/Abstract}}} ;# abstract - abstract # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@language} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - language array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%U} {0\ {} {} {Endereço Web do Documento}}} ;# url - url (the suffix d means to display the download checkbox) array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@project} {0\ {} {} {Projeto ou Linha de Pesquisa}}} ;# - project array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%1} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom1 - organization array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%3} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# custom3 - targetfile array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@readergroup} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - readergroup array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@copyright} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - copyright array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@electronicmailaddress} {0\ {} {} {e-Mail}}} ;# - electronicmailaddress # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%C} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# placepublished - conferencelocation array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%V} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# volume - volume # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%S} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# tertiarytitle - booktitle # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%8} {0\ {} {} {Data do Evento}}} ;# date - date # array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@secondarytype} {0\ {(*)} {} {}}} ;# - secondarytype array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@tertiarytype} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - tertiarytype array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@dissemination} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - dissemination array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@format} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - format array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@doi} {0\ {} {} {}}} ;# - doi array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@contenttype} {0\ {} {External Contribution} {}}} ;# - contenttype array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%@readpermission} {0\ {[Help INPEReadPermission]} {} {}}} ;# - readpermission - might be hidden dependending on archivingPolicy array set displayTable {{Conference Proceedings,%F} {0\ {} {self-archiving-INPE-MCTI-GOV-BR} {}}} ;# label - label array set updateOptionTable {{Conference Proceedings} {update}} array set targetFileCheckBoxFlagTable {{Conference Proceedings} 0} } #