1. Identificação | |
Tipo de Referência | Artigo em Revista Científica (Journal Article) |
Site | mtc-m16c.sid.inpe.br |
Código do Detentor | isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S |
Identificador | 6qtX3pFwXQZGivnK3Y/VQUFD |
Repositório | sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/ (acesso restrito) |
Última Atualização | 2008: (UTC) deicy |
Repositório de Metadados | sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/ |
Última Atualização dos Metadados | 2022: (UTC) administrator |
Chave Secundária | INPE-15431-PRE/10166 |
DOI | 10.1016/j.agrformet.2008.01.00 |
ISSN | 0168-1923 |
Chave de Citação | MichilesGiel:2008:AbThEn |
Título | Above-ground thermal energy storage rates, trunk heat fluxes and surface energy balance in a central Amazonian rainforest |
Ano | 2008 |
Data Secundária | 200806 |
Mês | jun |
Data de Acesso | 31 out. 2024 |
Tipo Secundário | PRE PI |
Número de Arquivos | 1 |
Tamanho | 500 KiB |
2. Contextualização | |
Autor | 1 Michiles, Alessandro Augusto dos Santos 2 Gielow, Ralf |
Identificador de Curriculo | 1 2 8JMKD3MGP5W/3C9JJ53 |
Afiliação | 1 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais,(INPE/CPTEC) 2 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) |
Endereço de e-Mail | deicy@cptec.inpe.br |
Revista | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
Volume | 148 |
Número | 6-7 |
Páginas | 917-930 |
Histórico (UTC) | 2008-12-02 15:22:31 :: deicy -> administrator :: 2012-07-14 19:52:46 :: administrator -> deicy :: 2008 2013-02-08 12:34:19 :: deicy -> administrator :: 2008 2022-03-26 17:49:39 :: administrator -> marciana :: 2008 |
3. Conteúdo e estrutura | |
É a matriz ou uma cópia? | é a matriz |
Estágio do Conteúdo | concluido |
Transferível | 1 |
Tipo do Conteúdo | External Contribution |
Tipo de Versão | publisher |
Palavras-Chave | tropical forest energy balance energy storage heat thrunk Amazonia |
Resumo | The thermal (physical) energy storage rates (ESR) of the above-ground components of a terra firme forest site in central Amazonia, Brazil,were determined for a set of typical days during the dry season of 2003 and the wet season of 2004, and their relevance to the surface energy balance was studied. To obtain the ESR for the above-ground part of the biomass (trunks, branches and litter), thetemperatures of one trunk of adominant tree species of the forest site were measured at three height levels and several radial depths. To compute the ESR in the other parts of the above-ground biomass (twigs, leaves and small size components such as palmsand lianas) and the ESR atmospheric fraction, the temperature of the air wasmeasured at four different heights inside and above the forest. The air, trunks and other biomass components contributed 35%, 40%and 25%to the total daily ESR of the forest respectively. For the hourly values during themorning, the total ESRwasusually observed to be between 30 and 70Wm2, but with maxima that can exceed 90Wm2; during rain events minima as low as 200Wm2 were observed. During the night and at dawn and dusk, the total ESR may constitute a sizable fraction of the net radiation, on some occasions equaling, or even exceeding it. On a daily basis, values of the total ESR were observed to be between 40% and 5%of the net radiation, depending on the weather conditions during the day. Further, the inclusionof theESRtocompute the surfaceenergybalanceimproves its closure,mainlyduring the daylight period and, particularly, during themorning hours; but the best closure occurs for the days inwhich the daily balance of the total ESR is positive. Finally, simplified expressions are presented for those components of the ESR which do not depend on trunk temperature. |
Área | MET |
Arranjo | urlib.net > BDMCI > Fonds > Produção até 2016 > DMA > Above-ground thermal energy... |
Conteúdo da Pasta doc | acessar |
Conteúdo da Pasta source | não têm arquivos |
Conteúdo da Pasta agreement | não têm arquivos |
4. Condições de acesso e uso | |
Idioma | en |
Arquivo Alvo | gielow_above.pdf |
Grupo de Usuários | administrator deicy |
Visibilidade | shown |
Detentor da Cópia | SID/SCD |
Política de Arquivamento | denypublisher denyfinaldraft24 |
Permissão de Leitura | deny from all and allow from 150.163 |
Permissão de Atualização | não transferida |
5. Fontes relacionadas | |
Unidades Imediatamente Superiores | 8JMKD3MGPCW/46JKC45 |
Acervo Hospedeiro | sid.inpe.br/mtc-m18@80/2008/ |
6. Notas | |
Campos Vazios | alternatejournal archivist callnumber copyright creatorhistory descriptionlevel electronicmailaddress format isbn label lineage mark mirrorrepository nextedition notes orcid parameterlist parentrepositories previousedition previouslowerunit progress project readergroup rightsholder schedulinginformation session shorttitle sponsor subject tertiarymark tertiarytype typeofwork url |
7. Controle da descrição | |
e-Mail (login) | marciana |
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